Rejection : Reflect,Refuel and Refocus


If you ever been rejected, doesn’t matter how or who rejected you, would you take it positively or negatively? Will you still be happy? Can you continue what you do now in the future after being rejected? For me, i would say yes to positive, yes to happy and yes to opportunity.

Why to positivity? Because sometimes we should be grateful that things do not work out the way we once want or expected it to be. Yes its true that when we were rejected and things doesn’t go our way there is definitely a moment where we will feel down and think that we are so far away from our goals. But you all should know that all this “feeling sorry for yourself” feelings should be ended quickly because lives move forward and you should be happy rather than sad. Let me tell you why.


We should be happy because in that moment is the moment that you have the opportunity to REFLECT, REFUEL and REFOCUS of what is actually good FOR YOU. Why choose and stay on something that is not for you? Forcing yourself opening door that are not meant for you, climbing ladders that are not yours to climb.

It is undeniably true that when you are rejected, moments like this will feels like the death of your dreams. But the truth is, when you think further it is also the same moment when your TRUEST POTENTIAL IS ACTUALLY TAKING BIRTH.

There are so many stories out there about success people that proved most success are built on failure, built on frustrations first because sometimes we need to feel a good fall before you can truly confirm where you stand.

Everytime we think we are being rejected from something good. REMEMBER , we are just being redirected to something better

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