Peace of Mind


Have you ever watch the movie called “the pursuit of happiness” by will smith? If you have, then you should know that the story is about survival, determination and willingness that eventually lead the main character and his son to happiness. But why do we want pursuit all that? Is it just because of happiness? Yes actually, and i don’t denied it, but i also believe that all the effort is also to achieve one more important thing and that is the peace of mind. But what can we gain from it and why? Isn’t happy life is enough?



Everyone in this world is working hard. You don’t have to be wearing suit and tie to be consider hard working, someone who have objectives and have the spirit to grab it without giving up can also be consider working hard because they work it to get it. But why?because satisfaction is also consider peace of mind. Our mind is in peace when we finally get what we want. All the blood, sweat and tears become water, perfume and smiles (you see what im getting there 😎😆). Of course happy is enough, but satisfaction is another level.

Future past and present

(Happy picture)

Why we need this? What i want in the future and what i want to think is that all the hardworks paid off. I believe everyone have different target in order to gain peace of mind but for me my target is mostly to my family future,past and present. If i manage to secure them to live happily in all that moment,then that is the peace if mind for me.

But anyway,this is just what i have in my mind and what i would like to achieve. Everyone of us is different and things that make us happy and peace can also be so many things. Sometimes it can be the smallest thing that happen to our life. The smiling wife, the comfort bed, the morning coffee, the children laughter and so many more. When the feeling comes to you, enjoy the moment and make it stay.

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