10 Commandment for Newbie

Throughout the last two weeks has been truly hectic for me. i been going around talking to everyone about steemit, organizing meet up after meetups. At some point i was thinking if there is an introductory fee, i would rich in few month. LOL .

Anyway, i told everyone that the beauty about steemit is that there is no fee to join , the cost is on the work you put in to create quality content or content that has value to others. i called it as your creative cost.

Funny thing is, i still get messages on my phone from friends that is having hard time getting their friends and family on board.

I reminded them that there is no need to do hard sell on steemit , as matter of fact once you have share about steemit dont even expect them to join. Leave it as it is. Unless if they want to know more.

So here is some guidelines on what you need to know and remember when introducing steemit to friend to avoid heartbreak. LOL .

Newbie Guide To introducting Steemit without Heartbreaks

  1. Start with a i dont give a shit kind of attitude tattoo in your forehead

  2. you are there as a willing friend to share good news.

  3. dont talk about crypto if you dont know shit about crypto

  4. if they start asking you about blockchain and how it work, ask them if they have heard of google. if they never heard of it . take their phone or borrow your phone and ask them to type google on google search. you got it?LOL

  5. if they sound interested, ask them to sign up first, guide them on their first sign up .

  6. if they are not interested , consider guideline No 1.

  7. tell them that this not an MLM, DIrect Selling, Affiliate Marketing, Bitclub, or anything else you know of. because its
    nothing like that.

  8. tell them that the payout is every 7 days,

  9. tell them that there is no cost to begin with other than putting their time to write and share. hey, most likely they are
    doing it in facebook anyway and yet they still dont get a dime.

  10. after explaining the best to your ability and they remain skeptic, Guideline No 1 Helps.

When i started doing community building on steemit roughly a month ago, this is my 10 commandment. I have no time for people with no faith , as if i ask money from them and i am not really the kind that would introduce others an opportunity if i dont do my due diligence.

let my action, bank transfer, Steemit wallet, and my purchase at shopping complexes be the sign of miracle . LOL . I bet you after that, you dont even need to preach. they will whatsapp message you for coffee and asking for your free time to share more insights and tip.

That is the beauty about steemit, once they see its real money . they get hooked.

So here is the next challenge, these folks would usually be extremely happy after the first post. second post onward they start to question why the upvote is so little. So here is another 10 points that you can tell them.

Newbie Guide to Stop Behaving Like and Idiot on Steemit

  1. you must understand the fundamental of steemit, its more than just aiming for sbd

  2. engagement is critical in building a good following.

  3. leave comment to other people post, but make sure you read them first , comment nonsensical is just rude

  4. do upvote on good post , show the author that you appreciate their post , but make sure you still have upvote value , if you dont have much, best to comment or resteem the post to show support

  5. make sure you reply comments on your post, its rude to leave them hanging

  6. Make sure you work toward improving your post, your goal should be to produce a quality and valuable post for the community to appreciate

  7. There is so much tutorial in steemit on how to make your posting or profile look better, do your homework , dont expect to be spoon fed.

  8. be active in a community , join their activity , engage othe user online.

  9. remember that you did not invest a dime on steemit to be rewarded after a post, even if it is a 0.01 steem , it is still better than nothing in facebook

  10. Read other people post that has high upvotes, learn from it and see how you can do better or at least similar standard. it all about the desire to improve.

If your friends would take note of all the advise above, they will do well , if they dont and they behave as if they are entitled, go back to the former guide above this post and look for 1st commandment.


Why Am I Here

Daniel Doughty loves his community and ideas but hates writing. Steemit is a brilliant platform that would help him express his thoughts and helps him practise his writing, he hopes to get better at it.

He is now a self proclaim steemit evangelist and preacher , encouraging his community in Borneo to use steemit as a bridge to the outside world to build awareness, showcase talents and most importantly to create wealth for themselves.

To find out more on what he does, click HERE

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