Happy Birthday!


I was born on the 8 March, 1976, the year of Dragon according to Chinese zodiac. My mom delivered me at home. My dad was having his taekwando black belt exam that time. My grandparents (maternal and paternal) was there to welcome me into the world.

I am the eldest among 6 siblings and being the first born, there are pros and cons. Cons being responsible, leader, high expectation to be the best, and et cetera.

Pros of being the first to have all the privileges as the first child, new clothes, new pram, new toys, new books and so forth.

This year, hubby brought the kids and I to our favourite restaurant, Windbell Seafood Restaurant where they serve steamboat dinner and pre-cooked dishes such as the famous kaikiok (chicken feet), roasted chicken and deep fried "ikan basung". Thank you dearest hubby for the lovely meal.

I pray and hope that this year is better than last year. Happy birthday Sharon! Cheers to a wonderful life.

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