The Miss Adventure

I call her the ' Miss Adventure' because of her curiosity that gets her into trouble.

Just after writing my story about Panda and her 3 reminders a couple of days ago, she got herself into more misadventures. Well, I would not consider her misbehaving. She was just doing things which an animal would do and I believe she has her reasons, especially pooping outside her box.

Yesterday, she pooped outside of her box again. The moment I stood in front of the box and called her name, she knew she was in trouble. She ran far but I insisted she come to me and she slowly came but kept her distance. I carried her over the place she pooped and spanked her and scolded her. As usual, she ran and kept her distance for an hour or so as I cleaned up and occasionally looked at her with that ‘angry’ look. From time to time she would walk past me and then sat near me but at a safe distance. My mum and sister laughed and her antics and the way she would worm her way to ask for another chance to be loved. She slowly came closer and then raised both paws at my feet and looked at me and asked to be carried. I did warn her again that I will spank her if she pooped outside her box again. That pair of big eyes, one glass blue and the other black. Sigh! She is adorable.

How can I refuse such an adorable and persuasive dog.

This morning, the sun was shining so brightly, it was a good day to do some washing. We were busy about the house, and suddenly my mum asked "where is Panda?" I called her name and looked around. Then I saw that our front door was open and I panicked. I asked my sister who was outside the porch to see if Panda has ran out. She called and went towards the big gate and found her outside. I called out even the louder and Panda heard me and my sister said "panda does not know how to come back in."

You see, Panda has never been out of the porch and beyond on her own. We have been training her to wait by the front door and not step out. We want to teach her trust and obedience. She has been obedient until this morning. We were worried she might go missing or hurt or hit by a vehicle. After hearing me calling and I opened the front gate, she quickly ran in and then into the house. She knew she was in big trouble. She hid underneath my mum’s legs. I went to her and spanked her. Big time Panda. It is evening now and she knew what has been happening with her and she was checking my emotions and my facial expression.

She has been taking opportunity to ask to sit with me or on my lap to check if I would refuse her; which I could not.

She is truly an intelligent creature and a being that shows me what it means to have fun and take risks. Mum said that she is like a little child. For Panda, her curiosity of the world outside got her into trouble but is ok. It reminds me of how my life was too. That is another story all together.

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