3 reminders from Panda

Panda has been with me for 3 weeks now. She is such a loveable little darling that makes me smile and mellows me when I am angry or stressed.

By the way she is a shi-tzu and because she is white and black, like a panda. 8th January 2018 was the day I brought her home.look3.jpg

She did not feel at home for the 1st few days but she was a little attached to me. Today she is even closer to us and very much at home. Panda went for her 1st grooming 2 weeks ago and she came home feeling scared as if traumatised. She was quiet like the day I brought her home. Did not want to eat or drink but slept in her little bed. It was until evening when I went upstairs and she followed me and we played catch that she became normal again. Phew! I carried her and told her I love her. She finally ate and drank later that evening.

She is truly and adorable little dog and my mum loved her so much that mum wants to cuddle her and love her. Panda is very attached to me and would follow me. I feed her, bathe her and also scolds her when she misbehaves.

She surely knows how to communicate and have a relationship with me. I learn a couple of stuff from her behaviour and how she communicates with me. Here are the 3 things she taught me

  1. Walk away when the other is angry –
    She pooped outside her box the other day. I came downstairs in the morning and found her poop outside the box. I immediately called her and she came but at a distance wagging her tail and that look saying “Oops!”… She came slightly near me and I asked her why she pooped outside the box, pointing for her to see. I spanked her and pointed at her poop and the box. She quickly ran away to the stairs and stayed there as I cleaned up. I raise my voice and she slept there quietly watching me clean up. I called her later with a soft and calming voice but she still did not budge. She was not convince I was no longer angry. It was really funny. Then about half an hour later as I was sitting down doing my work, she walked slowly with her hind legs dragging; the kind of lazy walk and wagging her tail and the cheeky eyes looking at me. Then she stood up with both her front paws on my lap asking to be carried.

I could not help but love her because she knows when to walk away and when to come close.

  1. Love and forgiveness -

Panda, like other dogs, loves unconditionally. No matter how I scold her for her mischief (which rarely happens) or when I would pretend to get angry with her, she would wag her tail and still come to me to love me. My mum is now even much into getting Panda’s attention and wants to hold her. Panda would sit on mum’s lap for a while. That’s really love. She is also very forgiving. The other day, she was standing behind me and I stepped on her paw. She yelped and ran. I was shocked as I did not see her and I profusely apologised to her. She ran to her cot and did not want to come near me. I went to her and told her I was sorry and I did not hurt her purposely; that it was an accident. She looked at me with her big eyes and innocent look on her face made me even guiltier. I sat with her for a few minutes and after speaking with her I got up and she followed me and she was wagging her tail. My heart melted with her joy and happy personality. look2.jpg

She would sit with me when I am working, or she will just come and look at me waiting for me to stroke her head and she would just give me that loving look. I explained to her that I need to finish something and that I love her. Then she walk away and keep herself busy.

I get to reflect how I would find difficulty in forgiveness and loving unconditionally especially those who hurt us. But Panda taught me that it was easy. Just do it!

  1. Play and be Happy

She would suddenly play catch with me and run like a crazy dog and wants me to catch her and then run again. It will go on for 5 minutes and then she would pant. So funny! She really knows how to make my elderly parents laugh when she did that. They were horrified that she would hit a chair or table but she somehow knows how to avoid anything in her way as she ran. Then she would look at me and wants me to chase her or catch her. She made us happy with her antics. She was satisfied after that and would gulp lots of water after that exercise. Life should be like that. As adults, most of us have forgotten how to play, have fun and play catch or even hide and seek. massage1.jpg

I am glad my inner child is very much alive and active so I enjoy the fun of laughter and play. Being a Laughter Wellness Facilitator definitely suits me. Ha..ha…ha…ha…

I would play chase and catch with her every day and she would be ready to run and play. She is such a happy dog.

In Catechism class when I was very, very little I was told that animals have no soul and do not go to heaven. Well, I believe they do and they deserve heaven more than humans.

I certainly hope my darling Panda would have a place in heaven for bringing joy and love to my humble home. She is a great therapist. She calms us with just being her.sleep.jpg

Panda is one dog that loves to catch flies and mosquitoes in the air when they fly in front of her. She is fast. Horrors! Mum managed to get one big fly from her mouth. She is truly an angel in our home. We are all very attached to her and she is with us, especially me.

Now she is learning to give her paw (like a handshake) when she wants something. I asked her if she wanted food and she would give me her paw as an answer. Such an intelligent creature created for humanity.

Not only children are our greatest teachers, dogs too. Both are my teachers about life and how I can be a better person. I am blessed when I see children with their wisdom and my dog Panda.sleep1.jpg

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