4th Generation Blockchain Conference

Yesterday there was a blockchain conference in town and since I had some free time I decided to attend, hoping to learn a bit more of what's happening in the blockchain world.


The speakers were mostly from Cube Chain, a blockchain company from Korea. Its blockchain has a few special features which include - cubing, special blocks, parallel structure and POH (Proof of Hybrid). They also aim to cover a variety of services which included a messaging platform, chat-BOT services, as well as consultation services in the health industry.


Here's @extremis listening intently, or maybe not :p


Winning a random lucky draw - USD100 worth of coins. Pretty generous. ;)


We bumped into @buzz.lightyear from Bitcoin Malaysia. Glad to hear that he is educating the community regarding cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology as it has been going really well. 100% satisfaction so far from his participants!


A photo with the CEO. Looking forward to the launch of the coin and the benefits it brings to the society. :)

For those who are keen to own some of their tokens, here's a link. Not much, 100 free tokens me thinks. :)

Disclaimer: Purely for entertainment purposes only. I’m not a certified financial planner/investor. Just a regular dude living in the 21st century. :P

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