My Daughters ~ My Treasures

Hey Hey Everyone! Been a long time since my last post.
Happy Chinese New Year! Gong Xi Fa Chai!
Hong Pau na lai? Ehh salah..suda kawin pla sia...😂😝

Just wana share with you about how proud i am to be a mom.

I got married at a very young age. I was 18. Well,accident la ba kan. Straight forward la trus. 😅 I had a miscarriage once. I dont know what happen. I just started bleeding all of a sudden. I panicked of cos! It was so bloody painfull! God knows! So i went to the doctor & checked,the doctor told me my baby wasnt gonna make it. OMG! I cried & cried & cried so hard sampai my mata bengkak! 😖 Had to be admitted to be cleaned. Kana kasi tu gas tidur during the procedure. Didnt know what was the gender. 😭 God loves him or her more. When i woke up,i started crying again & again & again. Bangkak balik mata. 😭 Ex hubby was crying too. 😔 So i was let to go home & rest. ( Cut story short k )

When i was 21,i had the best present in the world! I had my daughter after 2 yrs from the miscarriage. I was so happy!! 😍 Her name is Eve. My 1st girl!! My beautiful baby girl! 😍

As months goes by,things weren't going right between my husband & i. ( EX suda k ) We were very young,didnt have a steady jobs & all. So we decided to go our separate ways. After 3 yrs plus we had our official divorce.( There's no need to know more on that anymore,past is past ) 😅

I got married a few years later which was i tink around 2014 to an amazing handsome boy! 😂 He was very understanding towards me knowing that i have had a daughter once with another man,that i was already married before. In my mind i thought that he was just wanting to fool around with me. He was not jahat at all to do me like that. 😉 But i memang kenal him juga ba ever since i was in secondary school. Mimang kawan juga. Just that never talked to him. He was my cousin's best friend. So,macam i tidak peduli la ba tu kan...hahaha! Because my cousin is a boy & that time i tidak brapa close with him ba. Hehe.. Didnt know he liked me already.. Jodoh tidak kemana juga ba kan urg bilang...

Anyways,so we got married. Sia basar suda k bila sia kawin 2nd time. Ada utak suda,pandai pikir suda k..😊
Had my 2nd daughter a year after i kawin which was 2015. My 2nd princess!! 😍 Her name is Jewel. Her big sister is so obsessed with her ah. 😂
Eve loves her sister so much! Keep on saying Jewel is so cute. When Jewel starts opening her mouth & talk,lagilah si Eve suka cos talampau cuteeee she say! 😂😂😂 They get along very well although their age is far apart which Eve is 10 yrs & Jewel is 2 yrs. But Eve pandai main2 with Jewel. Bising tu rumah filled with their laughter expecially si Eve kalu suda start kasi katawa si Jewel...siap la...😂😂 They have a special bond only both of them knows.

So,my point here is,I have no regrets of what had happen before. It has made me even a stronger person from what i am before. Im not perfect,i dont wana be perfect. I wana try to be the best that i can be. I wana try to be the best that i can be for my husband & my daughters because i have the BEST PARENTS in the whole world. 😍😘 So i wana be the best for my family too. I just want my daughters to be proud of me as i am proud to have them now till forever. They are my forever happy endings! Daddy & mummy's prides & joys!

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Introducing my gurls! Yayyyy! 😍
I hope you enjoyed reading my short story. Harap tidak bikin kamu boring. 😂

Tq! 😘

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