Hey, it's my own self-portrait drawing!!

Hello internet of steemians, last couple of days i have commission an art from @shuazir to draw me a portrait of mine. So i would to share the masterpiece to you guys of how awesome it is!


Hey, i look handsome on it! (self-praise :P)

Here are the original photo of mine as his reference to draw it.


In art, a commission is the act of requesting the creation of a piece, often on behalf of another. Artwork may be commissioned by private individuals, by the government, or businesses. Commissions often resemble endorsement or sponsorship.

(Source : Wikipedia)

Anyway thanks to @shuazir for drawing me a self protrait and if you are interested, you can contact him by comment him at his post (i guess? there is no pm in Steemit).

And to @shuazir, again thank you so much for the drawing :)

Anyway thank you so much for stopping at my post and see you next time! Have a nice day :)

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