Photography Testing The LEE Little Stopper 试拍“李小阻”


Camere(相机)Nikon D800
Len (镜头)Nikor 16-35mm
Setting (拍摄设定)ISO 100 , f13, 10 sec, 3Brackets EV
Other(其他)Lee Little Stopper
Post Processing(后制)Photomatix + Lightroom

Bought this 6ND stop filter LEE Little Stopper last week, can't wait to test it out to see the result of the effect by using this filter. I always like long exposure photography, and i usually like to use the 10ND stop filter, LEE Big Stopper, but during the blue hour time, when the environment getting darker and darker, it become very difficult to use this 10 stopper filter, as the result of the images will become too saturated with color and produce a lot of photography noise. So in order for me to do a long exposure shoot during this dark period, i try to get this 6 stop filter, and after a few shoot, quite satisfy with the result. I believe that after practice more, i will get the result i want in thenear future.


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LEE Little Stopper ‘李小阻’



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