today's artwork and color philosophy in art

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There are several opinions that try to explain the color, but the prominent and applicable in the field of fine arts is the theory of light and pigment theory. Light theory pioneered by Sir Isaac Newton who said that the colors we see on an object derived from the white light of the sun. pigments whose color is on the pigment and there are only three basic colors, red, blue and yellow. The colors can not be obtained by mixing, these colors are pure colors. This theory was pioneered by Prang Brewster. In fine arts, color can mean certain reflections of light caused by the pigments present on the surface of objects. Examples of mixing magenta and cyan pigments precisely and perfectly exposed to a perfect white light will produce a red-like sensation.
But here we will not discuss about theories of color, which we will discuss is about the symbolism that is in the many colors that have been used often in the work of art, because the color is an element that is very important in the work of art.

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In this there is a significant starting point for the symbolism of the colors. Natural references, such as fire and air, are strong roles in the symbolic sense of their respective colors. this symbolism can be used eternally. Other symbolic meanings change in time and time. It is related to politics, fashion, religion, myth, and geography.
The color of symbolism in this publication is built on a global culture. In some situations, different countries of the world can attach different meanings to multiple colors. flag colors of the nation, and other conventions will affect the symbolism of certain colors. For example, orange symbolism will be very different in the Netherlands, where the Royal House is referred to as "Rumah Jeruk."
Each color can give a certain impression and identity according to the observer's social conditions. For example, white will give the impression of holy and cold in the west because it is associated with snow. While in the eastern part of the country the color of white gives the impression and is very scary because it is associated with the shroud.

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By @afdal-zikri

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