Help a Steemian This Memorial Day Weekend

Would you Help a Steemian This Memorial Day Weekend?

Memorial Day in the United States is many times celebrated with barbecues, travel and fireworks. I have never understood why. The whole idea behind the day is a somber one. Memorial Day, like the Rememberance Day in Canada, is a day to remember those that gave their life in service to their Nation.

There are many brave women and men that have fallen over the 242 year history of my Country. Then there are those that have served this Nation that are still with us. One of those folks I wish to introduce to you and ask for your help.

@solarparadise (or as his friends and family call him, Bobby) is an United States contractor who is suffering from a condition known as keratoconus which can lead to blindness if not properly treated.

I was told about Bobby's plight after returning from Virginia last night by @guiltyparties. I am asking for your help to ensure that Bobby receives the treatment he needs.

Bobby joined our STEEM Community June of last year. He has made many instructional posts about alternative energy sources, mainly solar power. Sadly, due to his vision loss, he is no longer able to post but relies on his wife to make the posts for him.

I just recently saw that his account made a post to not send donations as he is receiving help from a friend on Facebook.

Would you help Bobby this Memorial Day? I
The following folks have already made this a priority and have made posts to raise funds for Bobby


These are the folks I know have posted, there may be others and I am sorry if I have not listed you here. I have a couple of days to modify the list.

I wish everyone a very safe weekend. Let us all hug our loved ones today and be thankful for how the Universe has blessed our lives. Remember those that have fallen in service to the people of their Nations, but more importantly, let us help those that have so unselfishly served us.

Blessings and groovy vibes coming your way, Sargento

This post was prepared using 100% of the rewards will be automatically credited to @solarparadise 's wallet.

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