Team End-The-Fed ask: Will Americans Need Alternative Markets aka “Black Markets” To Survive?

SEE what is in front of your face

Taking off the rose colored lens the mainstream media portrays will reveal the truth.
Seeing what is in front of your face will reveal government’s rules and regulations are part of institutional, plantation style, slavery in the 21st century.

Public Protests Near Government Institutions Likely To Lead To Armed Violence

Thus, rather than plead to institutions for help, boycott them and implement your alternative solutions and creative problem solving skills

Is your Freedom illegal?

From the 2012 photo above:
“Then State Police, many officers in riot gear, showed up. The protestors were asked to leave and given a countdown as to when the police would begin making arrests.”

Grassroots Free Markets Are Labeled Black Markets

Complementary currencies, tokens, coupons, silver and gold coins could be used when cash is abolished and all assets face digitization on the blockchain for 100% taxation compliance.

Taxation change at the whims of government officials, and they call activities that are not taxed “Black Markets”.
As if a lemonade stand or selling used household items are criminal activities!

Americans Will Need “Black Markets” To Survive

by Brandon Smith 02 Mar 2012 from Alt-Market

As Americans, we live in two worlds; the world of mainstream fantasy, and the world of day-to-day reality right outside our front doors. One disappears the moment we shut off our television. The other, does not…

When dealing with the economy, it is the foundation blocks that remain when the proverbial house of cards flutters away in the wind, and these basic roots are what we should be most concerned about. While much of what we see in terms of economic news is awash in a sticky gray cloud of disinformation and uneducated opinion, there are still certain constants that we can always rely on to give us a sense of our general financial environment. Two of these constants are supply and demand. Central banks like the private Federal Reserve may have the ability to flood markets with fiat liquidity to skew indexes and stocks, and our government certainly has the ability to interpret employment numbers in such a way as to paint the rosiest picture possible, but ultimately, these entities cannot artificially manipulate the public into a state of demand when they are, for all intents and purposes, dead broke.

In contrast, the establishment does have the ability to make specific demands or necessities illegal to possess, and can even attempt to restrict their supply. Though, in most cases this leads not to the control they seek, but a sudden and sharp loss of regulation through the growth of covert trade. The people need what the people need, and no government, no matter how titanic, can stop them from getting these commodities when demand is strong enough.

This process of removing necessary or desirable items from a trade environment leads inevitably to counter-prohibition often in the form of strict cash transactions, barter markets, or “black markets” as they are normally derided by those in power. The problem for economic totalitarians is that the harder they squeeze the masses, the more intricate the rebellion becomes, especially when all they want is to participate in free markets the way our forefathers intended.

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