Monopoly Money Must End

I weep as I write this, because debt bondage has existed far too long!
Gold as money is not the solution.
Neither are cryptocurrencies.
Ignorance of the truth breeds slaves.
Or expressed another way:
Knowledge of the Truth makes a man unfit to be a slave.

First, let's address the weeds and low hanging fruit.

  • It is commendable to say don't contract more debt (i.e. credit cards, car loans, home mortgage, etc.), but this doesn't go far enough.

  • Have precious metals as money - again this doesn't go far enough as overt forms of slavery and indentured servitude existed when national currencies were gold and silver coinage.

  • Blockchain virtual currencies will destroy the debt based system - isn't this assuming the banksters controlling governments will abolish their control mechanisms over the citizens?
    Is that delusional or wishful thinking?

Ever since the 2008 Financial Crisis, or the so-called “Great Recession“, the popular soundbite to “End The Fed“ gained momentum. Those who researched what fractional reserve banking really is, called for resilient alternatives to replace debt based money.

The message is simple and clear:

  • The CRISIS is the Central Banks (masters of governments) Will Never Solve The Problem Because They Are The Problem.

  • Governments' Protection Racket has the monopoly on the use of violent force and creation of money.

In 2010 the 189 IMF member countries were committed to a new monetary consensus via the IMF treaty that was later ratified in national legislatures , including CHINA, the RUSSIAN FEDERATION, the U.S. CONGRESS and the others.

I call that 2010 IMF quota treaty the DE-Dollarization Treaty as they agreed to remove the requirement of trading in USD and reduced the veto weight of the U.S. while simultaneously increasing the weight or "quota" of other members.
The treaty also committed to increasing the usage of SDRs as well as including CHINA's RMB into the SDR reserve basket of currencies.
The SDR will have a blockchain element and be used more broadly than ever before, and CHINA is leading this globalization agenda.

– I See More Prepping and Less Promoting Alternatives –

Witnessing good people get caught up in the wealth net saddens me:
They wake up to discover that the mass indoctrination centers have deceived them about money and the current worldwide monetary system.

This monetary system is debt bondage, structurally unstable whereas, crises are very common.
The IMF has documented 421 crises between 1970 and 2007!

Thus, the 2009 "Great Recession" wasn't uncommon, it was more acutely felt worldwide.

Individuals wake up to learn the horrific fraud and debt foundation that was omitted from their education.
Then they begin to see the coming crisis and prepare, but remain stuck in the vicious monopoly money loop…

Many innovators and entrepreneurs are duplicating the 1% – they want to be wealthy clones.
This is the perpetual cycle we discuss and there is no Freedom at the end.
Bondage to the debt slavery system – Forever.

Often they say something similar to: “If you want to be successful then do what the successful businessman did”.
Focusing on tangible assets and storing wealth is the (gold) monopoly money trap.

The fractional reserve banking (criminal Kakistocracy) controllers already have enough gold and silver to buy it all up and remain in control. They also have armed militaries and policy enforcers to take your vaulted assets if you directly oppose them.

In my opinion, too many individuals are focusing on accumulating wealth in hopes to ride out the next crisis, rather than adopting an alternative system with a different structure to found a free community.

I also see too many banking with the G-SIFI, TBTJ, Mega-Banks, when they could at minimum close (boycott) their bank accounts and transfer to other financial accounts and assets.

I call on freedom minded and innovative thinkers to consider alternatives to this debt based monetary system.

What Is Money?

It is IMPORTANT to Remember that Money is an Agreement.
Consider: Local and Complementary Currencies, P2P exchanges, Co-ops, credit unions, etc…

Bernard Lietaer is among the minority voices for freedom calling on abolishing the monopoly on creating money.

I wish to see mass popularity in alternatives to fractional reserve bank notes (debt instruments).

We actually have the capacity to create a very different reality by enabling our energies to move more freely where they are most needed. -Prof. Bernard Lietaer "Changing our Monetary System. Why and How"

Title: Self-Issued Credit: A Monetary Solution
Video posted 18 Dec 2012 by corbettreport
Podcast: Play in new window or Download
CLICK HERE to continue watching on

Excerpt video clip from La Belle Verte (The Green Beautiful) movie

And after, there was a Boycott.
Everything that caused harm we didn't buy anymore, or threw it away.
It was the ultimate weapon...

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