Team Australia Mentors : Silver STEEM Round Giveaway

It feels like it’s time to give away another 1oz Silver STEEM Round. Since I’ve also been trying to get the Team Australia Mentor Project off the ground it is probably a good opportunity for me to kill two birds with one stone and use the Giveaway to cross-promote both the Team Australia Mentor Project and the upcoming Silver STEEM Round release for 2018.


This beautiful 1oz Silver STEEM Round from 2017 is 99.99% pure Silver and it’s one of the originals. Only 1500 were minted and they sold like hot cakes! You can currently get one for about $75 Australian Dollars on eBay HERE so they are still in pretty high demand and increasing in value. The 2018 coin design is currently being decided on HERE if you’d like to vote. It’s down to the final 2 designs and too close to call for me as both are excellent and I genuinely can’t decide. I’d expect that the 2018 Silver STEEM Round will probably come out in the next month or so.


We have had a few people volunteer to Mentor new Team Australia members so far. So for each volunteer Mentor I am going to put their name into a hat and raffle off this Silver STEEM Round. I am also going to include the names of any new Mentors who take on the job for the rest of the month of March so it’s not too late to get your name in the hat. We will most likely have 3 more Team Australia recruitment posts in that time if you’d like to follow @choogirl and keep an eye out. The Recruitment Posts usually come out on Wednesday Australian Time. You will find my call for Mentors each week in the comments section. The latest one is HERE and it’s not to late to volunteer to help out one of the new members from this weeks intake.


So if you’ve been thinking about becoming a Mentor and getting involved in this project this is maybe a little bit of extra incentive. It’s not a hard job, we only ask that as a Mentor you help encourage a new member and :-

1. Add them to your Following list
2. Commit to Vote for their posts
3. Comment on their posts to foster some engagement
4. Be there to provide some advice (if it’s wanted)

After the last Recruitment Post for March I’ll draw out the Winner from all the Volunteer Mentors and I will get this beautiful Silver STEEM Round in the mail soon after.



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