I'm enjoying HF19 but its a double edge sword


I'm enjoying Hard Fork 19, and the power of my upvote is now worth something more. So I did a few upvotes and noticed the power I know have and couldn't stop smiling.

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But I quickly noticed that over several upvotes my voting power was less and less. So I started at 100% and by the 7th vote I was down to 88%. My first vote was about $1.00 and by the last it was giving about $0.70. So now even though I could get great returns on my effort in creating content, I have to work even harder to get my followers to use their first 100% upvote for the day on my post, instead of having to pray for a whale to see my content.

So for all the minnows that are new and are following me. Your voting power increases over 24 hours. So keep your upvotes numbers small, and if you see a good post you like but run out of voting power for the day. You can also wait to the next day and give the post your 100% voting power. So you don't loose that post always comment, you can always find it later.


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