Pauline Hanson and Pauline Hanson's One Nation (PHON) represent the worst elements in Australian Society.

 Pauline Hanson and her party represent the worst elements in Australian Society, PHON represents the fearful and angry white, mostly middle-class voter who since LNP victory in 2013, has suffered through years of Abbott-Turnbull-lead fear-porn, making them even more fearful, angry and eminently controllable. 

The last Election, a Double Dissolution election, was where LNP lost it's foothold on the electorate and which ushered in the rise of minor parties like Pauline Hanson and her party of LNP supporting stooges back into Australian politics.   In the lead-up to the election Pauline Hanson enjoyed a lot of time on the airwaves as the right-wing Australian Murdoch dominated media- in the country with the most concentrated media in the world- beat their drum on her behalf. Her many media appearances, also added hundreds of thousands of dollars to the PHON coffers and served the Deep State even further by indulging people's hysteria in reaction to the 'war on terror' anti-Islamic fear-porn. 

Those on the right in Australia (particularly the IPA, Murdoch and his cronies) want people to be fearful because when people are fearful they vote conservative, and this principle was again demonstrated in the Double Dissolution Election in 2016 with the election of a right-wing LNP-IPA Coalition government, and the success in the polls of right-wing parties and individuals like PHON, it was just a shame for PM Turnbull, that his LNP Coalition lost a significant proportion of it's grip on the Australian electorate to minor parties like PHON necessitating deals to be made with these minor parties. Hanson and those of her ilk appeal to those in Australia who are nostalgic for the halcyon days of an Australia that has never existed except in the perverse dark fantasies of those on the far right.    

Pauline Hanson's recent statements that autistic children should be removed from mainstream classrooms because they hold their classmates back earlier this week didn't surprise me one bit, it just added grist to the mill that she represents a nasty, bigoted and damaging viewpoint bent on making Australian society more divided, hysterical, living in fear, and reactionary: Thereby making the electorate more controllable and likely acquiesce to a further erosion of personal rights and liberties which PHON and the LNP seem keen to deliver.    

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