🎵 Top 10 Song Challenge 💽

Rolling Stone did it first. They counted down some of the greatest songs in their greatest 500 songs of all time, and most of them are certainly worthwhile. The list is filled with amazing songs artists you'd expect: The Beatles, Dylan, Presley, Nirvana, Bowie, and even The Beach Boys. It's a list that I've read repeatedly read over the years and nodded my head to while doing so. There was only ever one issue with it. It wasn't my list. They are favourites, just not my favourites.

Music has had a huge influence in my life. This is probably super cliche, but its just the escape you need some times. If I need some time to be emotional, relax, or gain motivation, there's always a song for that. There's funeral songs and love songs and road trip songs. Maybe you share some songs with people, or a precious memory. The back beat may trigger a feeling of nostalgia to wash over you. The way music connects people is precious, and I want to attempt to bring that to Steemit with this challenge.

Simple. Make a list of your top 10 favourite songs of all time, either ranked or un-ranked. This list could be put in one post or split up over 10 days. With each post, nominate 3 people who you'd like to see complete the challenge. This is all about connecting people through music tastes, and discovering new songs and Steemit users along the way.

🎵 Top 10 Song Challenge 💽

10. The White Stripes - 'Jolene'

Dolly Parton would be proud of this one... almost. Its one of those unparallel songs, and most fail to do it justice. The White Stripes bring something new to this already amazing song while giving it the respect it deserves by not altering the song's instrumentals too much. Jack White's voice is filled with pain during this gripping performance, and it's all you need to hear.

9. Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - 'Home'

When I first heard this song, I didn't know it was from 2010. This songs just makes me happy. It makes me nostalgic for a time that isn't quiet here yet, and want to drive up and down the countryside beneath blue skies. Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros pay respects to their folk music influences in this one by delivering such a moving song. Perhaps the most folk thing about this song is that it commands its listeners to own it by being to emotionally invested in it.

8. David Bowie - 'Lazarus'

This song almost hurts to listen to. Bowie left us on 8th of January, 2016. His 2016 Album, Blackstar was released on the same day and is one of the greatest records of recent times. But the lyrics in this song are just so candid. 'Look up here / I'm in heaven,' 'I've got scars that can't be seen,' oh, Bowie, you. Your singing about your own death, and its so fucking emotional. Rest well, Starman.

7. Pink Floyd - 'Wish You Were Here'

This song is perfect for anyone who has ever needed to deal with loss in one form or another. This was my late Uncle's funeral song, and each time I play it the pain is still so real.

6. Nirvana - 'Polly'

The reoccurring, simple instrumentals in this song pull listeners in and put them in a trance. Cobain's singing, as usual, is amazing, but the real focus here should be on the song's meaning. In 1987, a fourteen year old girl was raped and tortured by Gerald Friend. Cobain took this event and gave that fourteen year old an identity beyond her rape, beyond the headlines. Look up some of the metaphors in this song, you won't regret it. Once you know its deeper meaning, it becomes so much more powerful.

5. Bob Marley - 'No Woman No Cry'

'Everything's gonna be alright...' Oh Marley, you came to me during one of the greatest struggles of my life. And this song will always stick with me. It resonates with growing up 'In this great future, you can't forget your past,' and reassures you that everything will be okay in the end.

4. Charles Bradley - 'Changes'

The emotion in Bradley's eyes and voice during this performance is so fucking raw. He sings it from a dark place, and does so perfectly. Need I say more?

3. George Harrison - 'My Sweet Lord'

If there truly is an overruling supernatural being they must have had something to do with this. Seriously. I must admit, this spot came close to Lenon's 'Imagine', but the chilling instrumentals in this song gave it the upper hand.

2. David Bowie - 'Ashes to Ashes'

How would you break a cocaine addiction during the late 80s? Move to Europe's Heroin capital, of course. Bowie said something along these lines during an interview once. I couldn't find it but trust me, he did. This incredible song is a reflection on Bowie's career thus-far and exploration of his deeply personal issues. This funky tune is both haunting and intriguing, as is the film clip. Just what we expect from Bowie... the unexpected.

1. The Beatles - 'Eleanor Rigby'

Timeless. Maybe this song isn't that great, but it will never, ever get boring nor old. It's just right. And it should've been the theme song to The Handmade's Tale, just saying. I don't know who Elanor Rigby is, but I do know this song always has been and will be my go to.

So, that's my list. I thought this would be easy but its been a very hard week of listening to countless songs and trying to rank all of these. Hence, why I'm calling this a 'challenge'. Thoughts on my list? Do you like any of the songs on here? Please up-vote, re-steem and consider following me for more content.

I'd like to nominate @aden.stanway375, @jewlzie, @Bengy - who always makes brilliant song of the day posts - and any other #teamaustralia members up for the challenge. Nominate three other people if you choose to complete the challenge. :)

Thanks for reading,

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