Purpose and Passion: Make it Your Business

In the startup world, one of the first things investors will often look for is passion. They want the team to have a connection to the problem. There is a good reason they look for it too – and it’s because there is power in passion. Or more specifically, if someone is passionate about what they are fighting for – they will fight hard.

I’m not a religious person, but I’ve always liked the message in the serenity prayer. It’s about having:

The courage to change the things that can be changed,
The serenity to accept the things that can’t,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

For me that means I put my emotional energy into the places I feel I can make a difference in life. If it seems wise, I aim to have the courage to put my whole heart and soul into making a big difference.

I am a carer. I have cared for people in one job, and for the land in another. It often frustrates me though, when I am told I care too much. If I care about something a lot, it’s because it’s really important, or because I believe I can make a difference (or a bit of both). Either way, it is up to each individual to decide how much they care. When the world has problems, and is ready for solutions, it is a great time to care.

Why am I writing this?

To be honest I am writing this because I feel like I should. It might sound corny, but I guess I am hoping that at least one person might read it and be motivated to solve some problems, or chase their dream. We are at an exciting point in history right now. Decentralisation can provide massive opportunities for change. If you are on Steemit now you probably already know that. So if you are reading this, think about it. What is your passion? What difference do you want to make?

How: Making your passion your business

I’m not saying quit your job and register a company (yet). I’m saying if you are passionate about something, don’t assume it’s none of your business. Learn about it. Be curious. Be nosy. Learn, learn and learn some more. Your understanding of a topic, and asking the right people the right questions, will stand out. Sooner or later you might even realise you know more than you think you do. You might even find yourself in a good position to make some changes.

Power Vs Control

Passion might give you power, but it won’t give you control. I’ve found there is an interesting balance in controlling my level of passion, and judging when to let go of control.

In my experience, as powerful as your passion might be, it can also make you pretty vulnerable at times. If you are putting your whole heart and soul into something, there are bound to be times when everything overwhelms you. It can be a very physical feeling that sweeps over you, and you may not have much control over that. It can take a lot out of you, but it will probably also motivate you to get back up and keep going.

If you are heavily invested in your passion, then it might be wise to measure when and what you put into.

… So go for it - Ground yourself in your passion, and make it your business to make a difference!

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below (yes you!)

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

#motivation #business #startup #life #philosophy #blockchain #investing

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