The ongoing train wreck that is the Liberal Government of Australia

The last week has seen the current Australian Liberal Government involved in an ongoing high-octane slow motion train wreck.

Firstly there was a challenge to the sitting Prime Minister - see my post

And ever since that first attempt the ruling Liberal Party is basically tearing itself apart, and gorging itself on the results.

Malcolm Turnbull was Prime Minister last week. Scott Morrison is Prime Minister this week. He is pretending it was all to get a new generation into power, but all the same people are sitting around the cabinet table, just doing different jobs. Badly.

It's a bit like musical chairs, where Malcolm lost and had to go.

But here's the thing. Now one, not a single Liberal, not even Scott Morrison himself, can convincingly tell us why this shit show had to happen.

Truth be told, I'm not sad. These guys were always bad: climate change deniers; trying to give tens of billions to corporations through tax cuts; cutting funds to schools, hospitals, the National Disability Insurance Scheme; you name it. These guys are rotten.

So good riddance. But the problem it that the high-octane part of the show is over, now we have the slow motion train wreck coming to us frame-by-frame, and we just have to wait until (probably) May next year for an election until we can throw the idiots out in a general election.

May all beings be happy.

Video by Hungry Beast ABC TV



@drwom footer by the awesome @ryivhnn !!


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