The dangers of teaching...

Whilst I am an educator, I find myself leaning towards the spectrum that deems ones self a lecturer rather than toeing the line between such and being an instructor. However, as time flows by, I revel in the past victories I've had and look to the future. It does no one any good to look to the past to see where one is going unless they intend to repeat their mistakes. I intend to do the opposite: look the future and make new mistakes to revel in.

One of the many mistakes I have made in my past was to believe that I had been trained for my current and future profession. Teaching is an art, both in style and technique. Teaching style is largely dictated by the school system in which one teaches, but technique is often decided upon by a localized team of instructors with which we work closely. Sometimes, new techniques are learned for specific groups of students, whilst in other times, older techniques must be brought in to deal with problems we have already had success in solving in the past.

Something I love about teaching is that no two days are ever the same. I'll talk about that in my next blog post.

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