The movies which inspired me to learn schoolteaching...

I do not know if you know, most of you probably do not, but teachers' salaries in Israel are among the lowest in the OECD countries, in Israel to say that you are a teacher is something that is not so good for your social status.

It probably means a few things about you,

  1. You can not learn another profession because you do not have a high ability and therefore decided to study a degree in teaching History, Sports, etc...
  2. You do not have many ambitions and you are looking for a relaxed life (I can assure you that this is all but a sense of calm)
  3. You went to the profession as a divine mission... (I think that's the best option of the 3 above ).

The strangest thing is that almost 100% agree that a teacher is the most important job in Israel and that teachers' salaries must be raised so that better people can come to the teaching profession.

So where is the government and where will the people? Something to think about.

I spent two years practicing teaching, I was a substitute teacher of a teacher who had a very unfortunate incident (because I did not have a degree, I did not have tenure)

I'm telling you this because you might think I'm showing you the movies as something romantic in the teaching profession.
Or, "What does he think, that it's that easy? It's not a film dude wake up!!!"
No! I have experience, I have never been so close to collapsing from the exhaustion that this profession brought with him but still I loved the kids.

The next film is based on a true story, and I'll tell you something! I have seen such real stories, there is no more amazing profession than a teacher who comes to be a true teacher. There are no more amazing people than people who have come to educate the souls of those children who are not their own children, but the teachers feel that it is their children.

The first movie that I'm going to introduce to you named
"Freedom Writers"
It's about a teacher who came to a school that had been a great school before the "Migrants" came to the hood that the school placed in and just ruined it.
the new teacher that just finished her degree started to teach at this school and tried to get the heart of her students by letting them write a diary.

I think there is no one to remain indifferent to this film, especially since this is a true story, and I will say even more than that, it happens every day!

After this movie I realized what the power of Hollywood is, they have the power to destroy and build.
I think this film gave me such a huge inspiration, an inspiration that I could only get through such a wonderful film, I'm not sure Hollywood knows what effect they have, good or bad.

The second film I'm going to talk about is called"The Ron Clark Story" with the amazing Matthew Perry!

, who can play a funny character "Chandler Bing" in the "Friends" series and can play a most exciting character "Ron Clark".
In the film we are talking about a teacher who entered a school in the neighborhoods of the Afro-Americans people in the United States, the dismissive attitude is like a white teacher who will succeed in taking over a class of "Afro-Americans" he is asked for. I thought it was some Hollywood legend about a successful teacher, but it turns out Ron Clark was staying with Oprah Winfrey on her television show and explained his education methods and how he manages to bring his students to amazing heights. No matter where they are from.


Thanks For Reading, if you have more movies about inspiring teachers just comment the name with picture

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