Now if the ghost or petunia comes and tries to scare the story of ghosts and if it is absolutely true, many people do not seem to believe it.

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prince: Now if the ghost or petunia comes and tries to scare the story of ghosts and if it is absolutely true, many people do not seem to believe it. If the self-pity is present in front of you then it will not be the other. Fear as a common man I tried to get it. Do not know what to do about it.

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Location: Barisal, Babur Hat

The man's name was Kan Mama. My mother and my cousins ​​called her as a black mama. The person was blind. I used to know that the blind have a good quality. The way they travel repeatedly, The road will come to know. But it was an exception in the case of Kanamama. He himself went a few miles to go to another village, and himself was deep in the morning. And stood at the door of his body and turning stumbling jharatena "Of course, of course" would be threatened.

In fact, he was an ohhh. He knew that he knew black magic, and some jinns and gloves walked with him always. They showed him the way in the night and went away again. One of his skills was that he could tell the person's voice, My mother went to the village about 16 years after seeing one day and said, "Kama mama, how are you?" Then Kanma Mama responds immediately, "Kare Renu, Eli after so many years."

It is said that around 20-22 years ago, there was an old burnt house in the area, from which every day there were strange sounds, every day, the noise of the child's crying, and the noise of the noise of the noap, and the clamor was heard on the nupur legs. At the verandah of the house, often a shadow was seen in a white cloth. Then Kan Mama started practicing only blackjack. He told everyone that he If he is going to go to the house at night and there is something immaterial, then he will bring them into captivity. So, he went alone at night, but on that day he did not return again. His body is found unconscious two days later in the pond, but since then No sound came out from the house.
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He used to reward Jinn with those who harm him. Even the jinn could harm his absence. Such an incident happened after his death.

A newly married girl washed her face in the night to wash her face. Later, after hearing her, her mother came out of her house. She went to see that her bombs were floating in the air and after some time she was thrown into the pond and kept in the water. She could scream properly No, because the gold chains of his neck were pressed in the neck. Then his mother-in-law gathered people and raised the girl from the water. It is known that, he goes with a padded hand and goes to Kollar. Despite the lack of air on the side, the pidimata goes out of the way, and before pondering some things, he tries to swim in the air and take it to the water and try to sink. Everyone, assuming that his father-in-law This is how the revenge was done after the death of his uncle on the issue of land rights.
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Location: Country (name of right place is not known)

It was heard by a friend. Once a man goes abroad for business work. He went to a Fiverstar hotel. There were only two rooms in the south, one southwest was right next to him. He wanted a south-facing room for the manager. But the manager did not give him the room, he gave the next room. Asked for help, the manager said that some construction work is going on in that room, but people go to their own room.

At 2.30 in the night, he received a tranquil voice, someone hit him on the adjacent wall, and there was a gentle tone of voice. He fell asleep without giving much attention to it. The same day is the same problem. There is a lot of loud crying coming together. How do you know the sound of screaming, the sound of water? He knows that no one lives in that room, yet he gets up and knocks in that room, and the sound is stopped immediately. Then he will come back, and then voice again. Now he gives eye to the key of the door, but he can not see anything in it, just darkness. Like the day he goes to the room
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The next day, he was standing in front of the room in front of the room so that he could keep his eyes open, but he did not have the sound. But he curiously kept the eye on the knot of the key ring. The whole room is red in sight. ..

The next day, he talked to one who gave a shower to the hotel. His comment was, "In a room many years ago, a girl raped and killed her dead body. From then on, there are many sounds coming out. The hotel's reputation will be bad Not told. "

When the man comes back to his room, the zardarah calls him, "You know that Sir's girl had a strange character. The color of my eyes was red"
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This incident happened to hear from my mother. During that time, the main occupation of the country was totally agriculture. In the time of her childhood, it was not so much of the business that had started circulation. At that time, the incident of stolen rice from the fields was often heard. Because of this, the villagers have decided that they will appoint someone as a watchman and at the end of the month everyone gets some money with their salary That was the job. It was recruited. The person was a young man, but poor because he agreed to do the work at night. When he came to the guard, he ran and ran the whole field once and said, "Who is there?" Giving around to see any movement around
[06/12 13:16] prince: The first one month does not have any problem. There is no news of any theft. But one day in the morning near a farmer's farm, his body was found, his head was cut off and hand-footed obstructions. The small part of the area was filled with blood. Thieves did this job.
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Even after this incident, theft case was not found, nor can it be said. But a new occurrence arises. Those who come home from the hat on every night, they know that every night, who runs in the lanes of the lanes, runs and screams around the field. And every morning Fresh blood is found lying in the place where the guard and body of the guard has been found. The same incident happens every day. Chu man hiding in the middle of the field right now, they look at night kieka incident took place at three o'clock in the night, they just happened karerata.
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From a distance, they can see the white cloth in the hands of the stick and lantern, and it is coming from a distance and the noise is coming from far away. They come in fear after coming to some. It is the watchman who has died, there is no head on the neck, so the sound is coming from there. The soul came in where it was hiding, looked back at them, looked at them and once again screamed and ran away. They had lost the knowledge of all.

This event lasted for a long time, yet sometimes it is seen that someone from white clothing is running from a distance..
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