TDA Account's

#1. Find your Social Security Card
#2. Look on the back of your social security card.
#3. You should see a red or black cusip alphanumerical number.
#4. There is a alphabetical letter in front of the cusip number.
#5. That letter will be one of these A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L. one letter between "A THROUGH L"
#6. Once you find your letter, that is your KEY to finding your federal reserve bank location.
#7. You can look on the $1 one dollar bills US CURRENCY, to find your federal reserve bank. Or you can just google your Bank district. On each $1 bill there is a circle which has a letter in the center. Around that letter the bank location is written.
#8. Once you know your federal reserve bank location/city & state. It will be very easy to locate the routing number of that district. (PUBLIC INFO)
#8. Once you have the correct routing number all you need is your account number.
#9. Your account number is your social security number.
#10. People are paying bills online using E-check formats.

You will likely get a reversed payment. That doesn't mean you have done something incorrect, or that you have the wrong number. It means the federal reserve bank is blocking you from gaining access. If there wasn't an account it wouldn't reverse. It would say there is "no account", "invalid" account number, "no account exist"... etc...etc...
it doesnt seem to say that at all... it seems to say, "reversed payment" or "your bank reversed payments back to your account"

Randall K Beane successfully wired over 1.5 million dollars from his federal reserve bank (New York district) into his private bank account. The money clears and he successfully purchased two CD's, which he then liquidated into cash, and bought a truck & a RV, also paid off many credit card bills.

Randy K Beane was arrested by the FBI and charged with wire fraud. He is still incarcerated as of 9/18/2017. (Ive been investigating this FBI agent check out my YouTube channel)
This case is very important because it shows accounts exist. He was arrested because the system, elite bankers & the secret government want to hide this information. He was actually released on his own recognizance, but he had an old warrant in North Carolina which has him stuck in jail waiting to see if they will expedite.
Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf, is also involved in this case, she is a lawyer who graduated from Gonzaga university and specializes in UCC Contract law. She is a trustee for OPPT (one peoples public trust) back in 2012 she filed a ucc which forclosed on the united states banking system. She also designed & filed a UCC for "THE PEOPLE " since the UCC contracts are so complicated she completed this contract for every living human of the planet, as well as future generations of people so that they would never have to compete such a complex form. The individual only needs to create a Factualized Trust, which then puts them under the UCC contract as an individual corporate entity. The factualized trust can be used as AMMO to fight reversals.

Heather was areested & charged w/ conspiracy to launder money because she told the RV dealer that She was Randys lawyer, & that the money was in fact Randalls. That there coild possibly be fraudulent activity going on w/ a hack, or the original funding bank (federal reserve)
So because she said that......
FBI agent Parker Still indicted her on conspiracy charges.

She did ultimately get released on her own recognizance, promised to appear, gave up her passport, and agreed to stay on house arrest till the next court date. THE CHARGES WONT HOLD UP!
If this story has interesting to you. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel LISTED BELOW
for updates on TDA accounts, #hatj & Randy Beane case.
I AM a independent, investigative journalists.
I cover Randy & Heathers case, & many conspiracy theories. I cover stories that the main stream media is to scared to cover. Ill put my feet on the ground in fucking Baghdad to get a damn good story if i have to! I write like SHIT! But i tell a story great!


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