Life Changing TDA Accounts

This topic seems to be a touchy subject at times. Im talking about TDA accounts aka Treasury Direct Accounts that every U.S. citizen is suppose to have. These accounts have ridiculous amounts of money in them and quite a few people have even figured out how to use them to pay bills and other things.
Now my opinion on this is I believe they are real. Ive been researching for roughly a month since I stumbled across a Youtube video explaining how it worked. I have to say despite the counter videos trying to steer people away I have seen/found many undeniable truths that can only be explained by the existence of said accounts. To me asking if they are real at this point is no longer the question, now all that remains is is it possible to get full access to them and more importantly will the Federal Reserve allow it since this secret of theirs has been uncovered.
I wont go into full detail right now but anyone with any questions, comments, etc please leave your mark below. Thanks to all and I look forward to the next time.

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