I need your contribution my dear crypto users !!!

The innovation of TBC is not in the technology of crypto-currency; its in how this currency is valued and priced. TBC is the First “Abundance-Based” currency and have tied its value to community growth and not the market. The Mission of TBC is to End Poverty globally, and we hope to achieve that in 2018.

Now let’s talk about the purpose of TBC. Why was TBC created in the first place? I am the Creator of TBC. TBC is my idea. I was born into a poor family within my country. Growing up poor was a real challenge for me.

Eventually, I was able to rise above poverty, I became a Millionaire. I found that building teams was the easiest way to create wealth on purpose. I also spent an unusual amount of time researching why the world is the way it is; way more time than what the average person would be willing to do.

I courageously faced the truth! The truth is scary. Once you know the agenda of the Elite, you feel like an ant–almost powerless to do anything about the evils in this world. We are lead to believe that there are authorities we can count on to bring justice to this world.

Unfortunately, so many of these so called authorities work for the Elite, and many don’t even realize that. There are many brave info warriors spreading the news about the Elite, and exposing just how bad they are in our world. I truly appreciate the awareness campaigns they run.

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