
Taxation = slavery, disarmament = tyranny, ownership in this system is illusion if you still need to pay tax and insurance, but what lead me to shout it out was that i was talking on another discord server how i can't go to a pharmacy and simply buy what i want, i need prescription, and i wasn't talking there about coke or meth, i was talking about drugs to cure nail infection and also neuroprotective drugs for brain injuries, but i could talk pages about what is wrong with the system, for example medicines that cost cents to produce are sold to us for 100x the real price, for example simple aspirin, why it costs like 20 bucks for the box of 50gram/100 tablets in a local pharmacy i can buy 1000grams/1kg for the same price from wholesale reseller, in the source it costs cents probably, but some things i cant buy this way, some things i cant buy at all, cause they are illegal to own, who made a plant illegal? Who decides what i can put in my biological system and what i cant? Why people are prosecuted for expressing their opinions on the internet (happening recently a lot in the UK, a dude expressing concerns about migrants on social media got 20 months in prison)... is this freedom? I don't think so.

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