
So, the other day I was scrolling through my feed and came across this badass post by @foxyspirit about tattoos. She's running a contest to showcase your tattoos, so if anyone's interested, go ahead. Anyway, check out the post because it has some really sweet art.

And I figured I'd join, even though I'm not big on showing my tattoos. It's not that I don't want people to know, I really don't care if they do. It's just that I don't really like the question 'what's that one about'. See, to me, tattoos are a really private thing and you can bet that if it's on my body, it means something. And if I want to tell you, I will.

But I wanted to do this contest because I just love tattoos. Seriously, all my life, I've had this thing about them, this fascination. I remember when I was fifteen and I found out that at sixteen, it'd be legal to get a tattoo with my mom's consent. So obviously, I pestered her to let me get it. And since I have an awesome mother, she actually got one with me.

And man, the guy who tattoooed oh man. But I am straying from the point and even though he was beyond and above, I am supposed to be talking about tattoos and not him. So, I got my first tattoo when I was sixteen and ever since I felt that buzz on my skin, I knew I was in love. Even though the place I was getting ink - ribs - was supposed to be extremely painful. And it is. I was way too hyped on my first go to even feel anything and I was way too stressed out about breathing too much so as not to cause the guy's hand to slip. But on my third tattoo (seventeen), which covered the other side of my ribcage, I was chill enough to experience the pain in all its magnificent glory. And the problem with that area is it's so close to the bone, and obviously, being quite skinny only made it worse. But I'm not complaining.


As they say, pain is temporary, tattoos last forever. I really take that one to heart.

I hear a lot of people say they couldn't deal with the permanence. The 'forever' of a tattoo. The way I see it, everything is forever. What, you think all the stupid shit you do isn't gonna come back and haunt you? Haha think again. Marriage is forever, kids are forever, decisions - good or bad - are also often forever.

And there's also that bit about regrets. People who are against tattoos love that one. You're going to regret that when you're eighty. And I always tell them, no, I am not. First of all, regrets are pointless. And second, this life is usually so messed up, I really doubt my biggest regret is going to be a tattoo. I mean, sure if you get a huge tattoo of Madonna taking a shit, then maybe...
But I am not at that stage yet and I don't really see myself getting there any time soon.

Anyway, I had my first tattoo almost four years ago. I have five now, only one is so small it's barely a tattoo. But I love it anyway. I sketched it and I'm so used to seeing it on my wrist, I can't imagine how I'd look without it. Weird, I know, but you get used to them. I can't imagine myself without any of my tattoos.


So, what about you? Do you have any tattoos? If so, maybe consider entering them in this sweet contest. :D If not, would you ever like to get one?

Thanks for reading,


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