Inktober - from sketches to tattoo

Normally I don’t care about inktober, because my main medium is pen and I’m more of an inkallyear than picking a month to bandwagon. No hate on inktober it inspires a lot of beautiful artwork.

I’ve been drawing 20 years now, crazy to realize that. Guess it finally time to move into a new medium that has been slowly tracking me down the past 6 years starting with a friend having a drawing I made tattooed upon their chest. In 2018 I almost started apprenticing and destiny took me on another course of exploration. And here I am again with a friend’s equipment.




Trusting in this synchronized synergy of abundance and love. So much support here for me to be present and listen and connect and serve. There seems to be ancient wisdom seeping through the soil, pushing me to awaken and shed my fear like an eggshell. I am here, I am listening, I am open, I am ready.

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