Sample menus food combining


Then how force feeding a food combiner following the concepts above? First, when get up in the morning, preceded by drinking a glass of lemon water warm. Remember NO SUGAR! Why lime squeeze? The intention is to refresh the liver which is already overnight work detox the body. What baseball smarting drink acid, but the stomach is still empty? He answered, no. But still every people may have different experiences. There is a feeling of pain when trying to drink the jeniper. If you are still afraid, yes already, skip it.

. Breakfast fruit!
Time breakfast to just before lunch, if we are referring to the body's circadian rhythms, there are on the phase of the exhaust. Because at this time the concentration of the body is on the function of the exhaust, not a digest, then given easily digestible food. The main choice fell on the fruit. Fruit adalammenu the perfect breakfast. Fructose fruit eligible to be a source of energy without causing the weary body to digest. Because fructose is easily absorbed by the body.

Food that is very easy to absorb, the effect is of course, the stomach is hungry again. How,dong? Yes, eat again. Consumption of fruit is indeed recommended done repeatedly while the stomach back hungry, yes eat fruit again hangga approximately 11 o'clock in the afternoon.

Lunch and dinner, it's up! The origin of the remains in accordance with the principle of matching which have been described above.If I was more comfortable menu of carbohydrates. Not because of fanatical rice, anyway I also often eat without rice. But the longer eating more healthy, it feels like my body is more comfortable without animal protein. Cheap anyway! Maksi and makmalbisa with a menu of carb, for example Rice-vegetables-tofu-fried tempeh. Hmmm ... don't forget to add the sambal, Maknyusss.... If you're want to eat meat-such, You can enjoy it with your vegetables, the salad or other raw vegetables.

The Benefits What The Hell?
A lot of friends around me that air-FC. I know, their average is very benefit FC as: complaints of ulcers healed, the allergy is greatly reduced, the ideal body weight. There is even a friend of my college days first, which successfully lowers cholesterol numbers the blood of the 260's mg/dl back to normal numbers, only in 7-10 days. Even I never got the information there cancer fighters are helped by applying FC.

Well, how about You? Dare to try?

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Food restaurants
644 Broadway, San Francisco, CA 94133, USA

Sample menus food combining
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