Artichoke Basille's Pizza in NYC


One classic take away in New York City is pizza. It is cheap, popular and in this city a little special. Here you can find a great variety of philosophies, opinions or ways of doing the pays but all o them trying to create the best pizza of the city.


Look at the girl enjoying her slice!!

You can find some really fancy, some very popular between famous people, some really cheap or some classic. But whatever you choose, it will be tasty.


This time I will share you one of my favorites slices of pizza in NYC It is called Artichoke Basille’s Pizza. It isn’t world famous but they’re building a big name in the East coast of USA.


They got their name from their flagship slice of pizza, the Artichoke. And it is the only one I’ve ever tasted, because is so good that I keep ordering the same. It contains: Artichoke Hearts, Spinach, Cream Sauce, Mozzarella, and Pecorino Romano Cheese.


It isn’t really cheap, it cost around $5 usd a slice but it is big and thick. You just need one slice to satisfy your hunger, and I’m a big guy.

We discovered them some time ago and now they have several locations in NYC and other states in USA. The one of the picure is in Greenwich Village, really close to Washington Square Park.


Inside this place you can enjoy your slice but it’s tiny and hot so it is not confortable. You can just take your slice and enjoy it in the street. Also you can ask for a whole pizza, not just slices.


I don't recomend to eat it at the Washington Square Park at night. It is full of homeless people and it could be a little scary. By day It could be a great idea.

Restaurant Information

Artichoke Basille's Pizza
111 Macdougal St, New York, NY 10012, USA

Artichoke Basille's Pizza in NYC
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