Bride (more than a metaphor)


Jacob was wandering through the region of Haran, when all of a sudden he saw Rachel. And immediately he knew she had to be His. So he volunteered to work seven long years in exchange 💱 for her hand.
Only problem was after Seven long year, he was given the wrong girl. Leah.
So Jacob set out to work another seven long years to get His Rachel.
"Love will make you do crazy things"

Hosea was a prophet with one unique calling from God.
"Marry that prostitute" God said.
Now Gomer was not the ideal wife. She ran away, she gave herself to other men, but Hosea had a calling. And no matter how many time she ran away, no matter how many men she gave herself to Hosea still loved her.
"Love will make you do crazy things"

King 👑 Solomon had a good head on his shoulders. A smart guy, the wisest that ever lived.
But nothing could stop him from losing His mind every time he saw his beloveth.
He scream 😱 of his love from the mountain 🗻. He shouted his devotion in the valley.
He even wrote it all down and let millions of people read 📖 it.
"Love will make you do crazy things"

So it's no wonder the bible calls us the bride 👰 of Christ. And from the beginning of time. Christ has been pursuing His bride 👰. Pursuing her beyond the walls of the garden, beyond her disobedience pursuing her in the midst of her rebellion. In spite of her wickedness.

Pursuing her to the lands of foreign gods, in the midst of her unfaithfulness. Because our disobedience to God's will can never out-weigh Christ obedience to it.
Our wickedness can never out-weigh His goodness.
Our unfaithfulness can never out-weigh His faithfulness.
We give ourselves to other gods but He still loves His bride 👰.
He shouts of his love for us through every word written in the scriptures and he pursues us to immeasurable length. Even death on a cross ➕.
Because with Christ it isn't till death do us part.
It is only through His death that we have assurance that we will never part from Him and we will spend eternity together.

"Love will make you do crazy things"

This (Bride 👰) is more than a metaphor.

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