The Muscle Warrior Brother Battle of the Century

This second version of the death battle meme template belongs to Death-Driver-5000.

If watching Ryu and Ken duke it out with Basuli and Tarzan can be considered a wonder of the world, I would definitely host this spectacle to all of my guests with boundless gusto. What is not to love about two sets of brothers beating the ever-loving crap out of each other with a barrage of punches, choke-holds, and the bloody works! It also helps that these two sets of brothers played a really big role in my life as a Street Fighter and Tarzan fan growing not only because of how super strong and super badass they were, but also because of the mere fact that I kind of had a huge man-crush on Ryu, Ken, Basuli, and Tarzan when I was a child. Those sentiments still hold up to this very day.

For this epic brotherly duo-against-brotherly duo battle, it is going to be an all-out wrestling, grappling, boxing, and kickboxing match which resembles that of mixed martial arts with some bodybuilding posedowns thrown in for great measure. The contestants shall be topless, barehanded, barefoot, in loincloths, and garment-free and the battle venue shall take place in a remote forest clearing where all the warriors, lions, and leopards can cheer them on. My friends, do expect muscles to writhe in such a virile manner, fists to fly like rockets, bones to be broken, blood to gush out like waterfalls, a lot of animal fury to be erupted, and a fair amount of manly carnage to be found accompanied by the roaring and bellowing to be heard from Ryu's, Ken's, Basuli's, and Tarzan's mouths and lungs! Let's dig in!

Ryu and Ken really have it all in spades from huge, bulging, well-built muscles to formidable combat moves to a brotherly bond to end all bonds. Enemies who are bigger and stronger than them would be easily overpowered by their sheer strength and amazing combat prowess and would leave them with major bruises. Speaking of major bruises, Ryu and Ken might even give their enemies a one-way ticket to the grave with their Hadoken blasts! Knowing how they are going to handle Basuli and Tarzan, they would have to give them the great hand-to-hand beating they have been craving for. It is certainly going to be a punishing ride Ryu and Ken are going to put Basuli and Tarzan through.

Speaking of putting Basuli and Tarzan through Hell, these jungle warrior brothers better step up their game if they do not want to end up enduring Ryu's and Ken's punishing blows let alone their Hadoken blasts. In order to incapacitate Ryu and Ken, Basuli and Tarzan would have to combine muscle power with raw animal instincts. It seems that after many bludgeons these jungle warrior brothers have to endure via the dragon warrior brothers' hands, they would end up giving in to their feral sides and would summon the strength of gorillas and lions, the speed of cheetahs and leopards, and the fangs and claws of big cats to attempt to finish off Ryu and Ken once and for all. This would even get to the point where Basuli and Tarzan would strip themselves naked to further emit that feral side with Ryu and Ken following suit.

By the time Basuli and Tarzan give in to their feral sides, their roars will definitely shatter the earth and would lead Ryu and Ken to wrestle the beast-men down with their strength. Something tells me that Basuli and Tarzan are not going to make it out alive.

Who do you think will win? Ryu and Ken with their complete package of them combining bulging muscles and peerless combat prowess? Or Basuli and Tarzan and their brand of wild muscle and animal instinct-induced combat prowess? Comment below and let me know. Now, let us get ready to rumble and rampage with these two sets of fighters starting now!

Ryu and Ken Masters from Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie belong to Kenichi Imai, Gisaburo Sugii, and Capcom.

Basuli and Tarzan from The Legend of Tarzan belong to Edgar Rice Burroughs and Disney.
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