Three Knowledge Keepers, Tarot Tuesday

Knowledge Keepers - Tarot Tuesday, 24 June 2018

This reading is active from right now until the next Tarot Tuesday. I provide this for your own empowerment - use it as you will. Much Love ✨✨✨😄


We Three Knowledge Keepers

We Three Gatekeepers

We the Three, bestow the Key

We the Three, to set you Free



All of these three cards in some way symbolise a deep knowledge of life, a knowledge that goes beyond intellect and into the inner realm. Starting with the hermit, the individual withdraws from the worldly life to introspect and find the god or guru within. The High Priestess represents the deep inner stillness that sacred knowledge spontaneously comes forth from. Finally, the Hierophant, as the High Priestesses masculine counterpart - is concerned with codifying and teaching the knowledge of how to connect with yourself, become aligned, and embody the full array of your powers.

As the centre card, the High Priestess gives a clue as to where to focus our attention to connect to such teachings. This is the inward direction. She is the receptive feminine archetype, and knows lifes mysteries through a deep stillness and surrender. As a 'key' the high priestess is encouraging us to be vulnerable, not-knowing, quiet, and allowing. In a state of total allowance and not doing, very miraculous things will start happening to the human being.


IX, The Hermit - Find Your Own Way, Self Illumined

As the first card, the Hermit sets the scene for the field of inquiry that we are moving into. It's about understanding life in your own terms, and by your own power. This is an important step that a lot of seekers and neophytes miss, it needs to be relevant to your own experience - it needs to be embodied - you need to personally experience it and you need to own it.

Books are helpful to get a bearing, but if we are seriously seeking knowledge, empowerment, and even enlightenment - then we need to drop all of the maps and guidebooks and see what is truly applicable to us as a unique piece of life. The way of the most awakened beings has always been to give up on the idea that we actually know anything, and reside in that not knowing (despite the minds fear of that place). From the place of not knowing a fresh and enlivened knowledge which is completely appropriate will come through for you.

Some people may get attention and recognition from quoting Jung, Tesla, or Crowley - but have they really integrated any of that knowledge? It needs to be enlivened and empowered in you to be meaningful, so it's not about the school or the system. These are great places to start, but once we are inspired then the grown up step is to move into your own embodiment of the principles in the living form. The rest is empty speculation, and these excitable ideas will leave you will nothing when they come back to the earth or drift away.

Transcend all systems, and see that all things teach you as the eternal student. You can learn as much from a stray cat or a pile of leaves than you can from an esoteric book - it's simply a matter of openness and arranging things in yourself in a very receptive way.


II, The High Priestess - Truly Receptive, Clear Conduit

The High Priestess is the truly receptive force, and as such she has access to the secrets of the universe - simply by allowing the universe to do its thing without resistance. We have a saying in Tai Chi, that the soft overcomes the strong, and also "investing in a loss". What is meant by this outside of the martial training applications is actually an incredibly deep philosophical statement. All of the traditional martial arts have some kind of encodement of this knowledge - a time capsule kept alive through even the most ignorant and 'distorted masculine' times of the Earth.

When we say that the soft overcomes the strong, it means that a force that is not soft can be easily manipulated. The rigid combatant has no sensitivity and can not accurately sense the balance of anything, including himself. Furthermore a rigid frame is easily toppled over. The soft and supple combatant bends with the wind, and also has a great 'listening force'. Sensitivity and listening allows them to easily direct the harsh force and defeat it. In Tai Chi When you redirect someones force and take them off balance, this is called 'leading them into the void'.

The sensitive allowing force has mastery over life by yielding to it. If we try to grapple with it then we will surely be defeated. Life is a conversation with an incredible creative energy, and we need to recognize that in that conversation we are not the one with the advantage of power. We humble ourselves to life, and it can be expressed more beautifully than when we try to force and coerce everything.

When we give up trying, usually a door opens. Take this opportunity to be quiet and let go of your opinions, from this place of yielding you may find a surprising change.


V, The Hierophant - Teacher/Guru , Sacred Tradition

Coming through from our inner teaching, and the great stillness where mysteries are revealed - the next step could be one of two things. It depends on what your inner knowing has reported back to you.

If your inner knowing has spoken to you about doubt and fear, and so many things that need to be set right - then the next step is to find a teacher. Our inner knowing is a powerful force, yet due to our conditioning and trauma there can be great blocks in allowing ourselves to fully express and manifest ourselves.

It's a wise decision to seek a teacher, someone who embodies the seven human energies in a big way. In my own path I am devoted to many external teachers, because they embody the capacity within me in an even fuller way. I recognize my limitations and I look to others who have walked before me with humility and gratitude. Our reverence and dedication helps us to inexplicably open up more. Trust and faith in the guru is a method of learning that goes so far beyond intellectual knowledge transfer - it is a powerful energetic exchange which changes you on the level of consciousness. This is the exactly the kind of deep change needed to break free.

If on the other hand your inner knowing has reported back to you with the knowledge of great expansion, joy, bliss, and a deep intensity and desire to be a part of the life - then maybe you are the teacher?

Just as the ego likes to over emphasize its importance, it has exactly the same capacity in not wanting to be too big or too expansive. Don't underestimate your power as a teacher, there is a whole spectrum of consciousness. That means that there are a lot of people just coming into the knowledge path who will find great fuel in what you say and do. It will be relatable and accessible!

Coming from the right place, teaching is not an ego-fulfilling exercise - it is an exercise of devoting yourself to your students. A true teacher simply embodies the highest consciousness that they are able to, and they act from that place. We humble ourselves to life and let it's teachings move through us. This has been the only method that I have been able to read Tarot or channel knowledge. I just have to let go and let it happen. When I think a lot and try to 'do it myself' it seldom works out.



This week is about connecting to your Inner Teacher, and coming to a Direct Knowing of the Pure Consciousness. This week is about being open and allowing for magnificence to flow through you.

All of my Love
All of my Blessings

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