Seemingly impossible love reading


Happy Friday Steemit!

As I was checking out the Necronomicon Tarot, I was inspired to do a reading about seemingly impossible love.
The Necronomicon Tarot is plainly the right deck for that considering the couple on the 4 of Wands and Lover cards...


In this specific case, I was really thinking of myself and Claudia Black:D


My co-worker and I were talking about Farscape, and I was reminded of how awesome she is. I was immediately inspired to see what the tarot said about she and I becoming a couple.
(yes, I know this is ridiculous)
So, this reading is about seemingly impossible love, like me and Claudia Black:)
When I did the reading, I did it for everyone and whoever it is that is a seemingly impossible match for you too.

First, we get the Queen of Cups and the 9 of Swords.


The Queen of Cups, in this deck, is aloof and absorbed in her own plans by nature. She doesn't give too many shits about what you are doing, and she is not likely to open up.
The 9 of Swords is pretty much showing the opposite of a free flowing connection. Do not expect this to be a quick moving or a free flowing energy.

That's when fate steps in with the Wheel of Fortune and 9 of Wands!


The Wheel of Fortune speaks of fate and unforseen events.. karma and destiny.
Considering how unlikely it is that I would even meet Claudia Black, this would definitely be necessary.

With fate on my side, all that would be necessary would be a display of perfectly focused power, like in the 9 of Wands.
So... maybe someday she comes into the shop for a reading, or she really like one of my songs... or something.
Once destiny gives the opportunity, it's just about control and letting your power shine.

This reading is very similar to the full moon reading that I did earlier this week.

Whether this is a crush, an ex, someone famous, or a friend, good luck making these love wishes come true!
It will just take patience, and a twist of fate...

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