Eden Tarot * orginal sacrament * rejoicer, time space


Not that I am any much of a student nor resource as to what the true story was as to what really transpired in the Garden of Eden, albeit I did recently have the mantle put before me to let go of (passing) judgment, and to make room for learning more of forgiveness, and to therein bring more joy into my life.

https://ilora24.deviantart.com/art/The-Garden-of-Eden-368496164 (http://nintendo.wikia.com/wiki/Ilia)

And to think not of the apple so much as taboo and/or temptation, nor as any Snow White kryptonite, but rather to consider that an apple a day brings joy into my life.

Our work is to take our medicine, and to know that we are joyous by nature, and in so doing to move from any original sin to original sacrament, and to know we have never fallen from grace.

(The garden of) Eden is symbolic of unspeakable joy. Judgment portends separation and duality. Consider that it is not so much that you have sinned by eating of the (forbidden) fruit of the tree of (the) knowledge of good and evil, but that judgment in and of itself is the true original sin.


Consider to transcend judgment. Real eyes that the tree of knowledge is but one in the same as our tree of life. That our kundalini rising is symbolic electromagnetic serpent, climbing and falling as Ida and Pingala unto our tree of life within and upon our pineal and pituitary glands, with Joseph and Mary and again unto the land

of milk and honey. Transmute judgment and recall that wisdom is gentle in its application. Welcome home. To visit upon our most sacred garden within is to know we are joyous by nature. Living in harmony and with (unconditional) love and wisdom, our ongrowing story is one of homo luminous and an undivided oneness.

Let it rain. Recall again that you are what you eat. Eat well and treat yourself well.

Life is forgiving, life is for giving. Give yourself the gift that begets joy.

Take your medicine, take in joy. Enjoy your apple a day.

rejoicer * woman of cups * Voyager Tarot by Jamess Wanless

Feel and express the joy of life. Be in complete empathy with the great beauty and richness of
being. Allow your love for the beauty of life to pour thru. Heal and bring life to yourself and others thru feeling fully and feeling deeply. Add to the beauty of life thru the beauty of your heart. Express your feelings of joy, love, ecstasy and happiness. Real eyes that you are emotionally magnetic, attracting others to you thru your genuine show of joyous feelings.

Accept and forgive. Cleanse thru letting feelings out. Find places of emotional regeneration and nurturing. Acknowledge that you are rare, exotic, unfathomable and mystical, and that you are beautiful and joyous by nature. Give and receive with openness. Move from unshared resource to the full and verdant sharing of oneself. Listen to her and recall that we soften to receive.

Take pause to exalt and to nourish your soul. Real eyes that we are one with the all of it. Feel your way thru things. Be accepting and at peace with things. Know and love of thyself.


Time Space * twenty * the Way of the Great Oracle

Traditionally known in Tarot as judgment or the Aeon, time space in Voyager Tarot is the new life which comes after your judgment of death to old karmic patterns that are self destructive, and the realization that you can direct the course of your life by examining and altering psychological and behavioral patterns.

How do you judge the prevailing direction in your life ?? The last judgment is a significant transition period in life. Move from coincidence to synchronicity. Take in that breath of fresh air, the new life that attends to the breaking out of old habit patterns, that penetrating clarity of judgment that thwarts all dark hidden motives, and but the harbinger of new things to come, a departure point in consciousness for the sowing of new seeds that will result in higher synthesis.

Colorless and bland is no way to go thru life. Emote as the immaterial girl. Show your colors and let peoples taste of your 31 and then some flavors. See it, feel it, live it, be it. Explore out of body experience, feel of your ethereal body. Know your consciousness as boundless love and light. Go to inner spaces and to unobstructed and placeless places. Of pure light and pure (joy), be mindful of how every thought creates a seed for a future event or situation. Go deep and far with your imagination. Imagine six impossible things before breakfast. Make believe.

You are omnipresent. Heaven everywhere, at home anywhere. Meditate and hold sacred space, and know compassion as thy compass.

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