Your Soul Whispers...Nov 19

On Nov 19, your soul whispers...

The energy of this day suggests you play it close to the vest. It's a time in which you are encouraged to give more attention to what your soul is wanting to convey to you. But it is difficult to hear with all the hoopla going on outside of you, vying for your attention. The energy of this day suggests there is a message for you that can help steer you along your path, but that can only be had by going into the depths of your being, into the deep within you, that you might receive the guidance that you need today. Take some time in meditation, or in a way that puts you in touch with nature in a deeper way, such as connecting with the earth, or time with your animals friends, or your children, or tending to your garden or plant life, something that brings you to the immediacy of real life, and that helps bring you to the present moment. Peace, or answers you may be seeking, are not to be found in the din of voices outside you. Those voices are distractions that are screaming right now to be heard about rightness and wrongness. If you find yourself caught in fear or anxiety, let that serve as a reminder to privilege the things that really matter, that are life-enhancing. Keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, the poem goes, and one way you do that is by taking the guidance of your Inner Divine, taking the guidance of your Great Spirit that speaks to you through your divine intuition. So today, be more inner reflective then outer focused. The only way to receive the insight you need is to privilege the voice of the Divine in you. It always has the truth for your life, and does not rely on, or depend upon the opinions of others. The High Priestess says, "Come close and listen. I know the truth. I know YOU." Today, especially, you're being encouraged to honor, privilege, and listen to that voice in you.

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