Is Divination Real - Can We See The Future?

Is divination real? Can you see the future? These really are age-old questions. Short answer... Maybe?


I think the first question we have to ask is, what is divination?

Divination is the art of using different tools to try and make a prediction about the future. Tools can be anything from a scrying pendulum, a deck of cards, a book, or rune stones. Obviously, these are just a couple of examples. Throughout the ages, people have used all sorts of tools. Whatever was at their disposal. People have looked at tea leaves in the bottom of a teacup, and pigs' intestines after slaughter, and almost everyone has heard of palm reading.

Obviously, we can't touch on every single form of divination. I've personally only practiced a few. I know about tarot cards, and a little about scrying and I'm slowly starting to learn about the runes. I've also had several prophetic dreams, which can also be a form of divination, but don't really consider myself psychic.

I think psychic is a whole other topic for an entirely different post. Seeing I've touched on it though, I don't think you need to be psychic to utilize divination. There is also the argument that the tools of divination may help teach people to become more psychic. Again, maybe in another post.

I started out with tarot cards. I started out extremely skeptical. The more I played with them, the more I started noticing that there was maybe a little something to this stuff. The right cards always seemed to present themselves at the right time. Once I learned the cards and their meanings, the correlations between the cards and the questions were often astonishing. More times than not, the cards presented were perfectly suited to the question at hand.

Whether or not it's psychological, spiritual, or something else, I can't say. There is definitely something there though.

When I first started learning tarot, someone explained it to me like this. Each card can represent an archetype. For example, The Hierophant with all his pedantic behavior is stern and filled with ambiguity, sometimes we just have to take it on faith. The tower can literally represent things falling apart, disasters, and everything the card represents in its picture. Death represents the ending of a cycle or sometimes although rare, actual death.

In these archetypes, we often see exactly what we need to see. The cards may not actually show us the future, but they can activate thoughts in our minds on the proper way to handle the situation. In some ways, we're already answering our own questions. The cards are just acting like a conduit to our subconscious and giving us ideas and answers we may not have thought of without the help of the cards.

Many people are skeptical of fortune tellers and card readers. Rightfully so too. There are a lot of charlatans and frauds out there. This will probably be a post for another day. These people give us all a really bad look though, and also further people's skepticism of these practices.

For those that don't believe it, I'd suggest trying it for yourself. I think there are so many things in this world we don't understand. I also think there are many among us who try to convince us that certain things aren't possible for their own benefit. For this reason, I say do the work. See for yourself. You might be surprised. Approach the subject with an open mind. Spend a little time learning about what you're doing and see for yourself. There are many people in extremely high places that have practiced the occult through secret societies. It's not just a status symbol to these people, they understand its importance and the fact that it's real.

I really don't understand how or why tarot and different divination practices seem to work. I do know after playing around with the cards for several years, there is much more there than meets the eye. The world is full of wonders most of us have very little understanding of.

I'm not sure if it is possible to see or accurately predict the future. Being a crypto trader, I haven't figured out any way to predict the crypto markets outside of creating basic charts. That might be an experiment for the future thanks to this post. Maybe we'll try that over the next couple of weeks. Could be an interesting experiment. I've seen astrology used to predict market cycles and sometimes fairly accurately. Tarot and crypto could be fun experiment for sure.

To answer the question at the start of this post. I'm sticking with maybe. I've had some incredibly accurate and wild results using tarot cards and scrying tablets. I've come to the conclusion that there is definitely something there. I wouldn't bet the house on the outcomes, or rely on Tarot or any other form of divination for life-or-death situations, but I do think it works wonders as a sort of consultant or confidant that always shows you what you need to see.

I tend to think of my tarot deck as my personal consultant. I can ask it anything. It doesn't judge. It simply shows me the options that may be available to me and some possible outcomes. Sometimes brutally honest!

I also think time is constantly changing. Every choice we make changes our direction and the course of events thus changing the future. Nothing is truly set in stone. I suppose the other age-old question is that of fate vs free will. I don't think any of us have an answer to that one either.

If you have an interest in divination, pick up a scrying tablet and a pendulum, or purchase a pack of tarot cards and start playing around. Approach the subject seriously and with good intent in your heart and you may be surprised at what you find. I wish life came with a crystal ball that tells the future but it doesn't. There are ways to look to the future and analyze events though through divination as long as you're willing to take a little time to learn and practice.

In the end, I'd like to say YES we can see outcomes of the future, but staying practical, it's a definite maybe. After playing around with this stuff as long as I have, there is definitely more to it than meets the eye.

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