Weekly Psychic Forecast - 1st - 7th November


Your Psychic Predictions for the Week Ahead

This week's energy is quite positive, and speaks of taking chances, starting new projects and enjoying success.

If you've had a business idea or plan on the back burner, it may start to come to life almost on its own this week, so be ready to take action and stride confidently forwards. This is no longer the time for shrinking violets and modesty is not needed in this energy.

Show up and show the world who you are - it's time to stand up and be counted!

The energy may even feel as though it is moving too fast, some may be swept off their feet romantically or feel as though things are going too fast at work or that plans are running away with you. This is an overall positive energy, so try to put any worries to one side and enjoy the ride! This sort of boost doesn't usually last very long, so it's important to capitalise on this energy while it's here.

This is a good week for money spells or prayer to do with prosperity and success, but make sure that the element of joy is tied into whatever you are doing. Boring projects mired in the old energy, or things that do not inspire you, will not be able to catch this energetic wave.

There is an energy of freedom too that sparks this week - you are encouraged to be brave and strike out in a new direction if that is what you want. It could be a new home, a new career, a business, a relationship, travel - whatever it is, the universe will help you. Ask your angels to intervene on your behalf and remember that sometimes when a solution is needed, you must be the one to create it.

We cannot sit around waiting for others to bring the solutions to us, so that we can sit back and avoid the hard work of innovation and creation. Each one of us has a task to complete and this week it is likely to be highlighted to the point where you may feel like the universe has given you a boot up the backside!

I'm shown positivity in finances too this week, so new projects that are coming from an energy of helping the community & building the new world, that you begin or start to work on in earnest this week, are likely to be a financial success too.

This week's angel message comes from card number 8 of the Angel Wings Oracle, Angels:

Look for white feathers that turn up in unlikely places this week because the angels are trying to get our attention!

Angelic assistance is here indeed this week! This is a powerful reminder that the angelic realms are poised and ready to help you, right now, and always.

You can speak to the angels through prayer, during meditation, or just by intending that they hear your words, spoken aloud or silently to yourself.

Communication with angels is very easy, they are always listening and will always respond to your requests in whatever way is possible and in your highest interest.

Projects that begin this week are touched by an angel, and they brings blessings and shower you with love, inspiration and compassion.

The angels remind you that you are an eternal being having a human experience, so stop playing so small and don't think of yourself as less than anybody else.

You are just as capable as the next person to achieve happiness, bring positive change to the world and help your fellow man.

If you find yourself in a situation where you cannot intervene to help others, or wish to make a difference but cannot practically do anything about it, just ask the angels to intervene on your behalf. They will always help, they will always come from a place of love and compassion, and you can never harm another by asking for angelic assistance on their behalf.


Do you need a message from the angels right now?

Head on over to the Angel Wings Oracle and get your free Angel Message of hope, insight & wisdom.

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