Tariq Nasheed’s Followers are the DUMBEST People on the Planet

Tariq Nasheed, onyx truth.jpg

These dumb blind knee grow followers of his are so damn stupid that they fail to realize that this nigga will literally flip out on them at the drop of a hat. You could have donated your entire life savings to Tariq’s “Melanoid Ministries” and the moment you even hesitate to not agree with 100% of the bullshit he spouts, this nigga will toss your dumb black ass on the coon train with the quickness…all while happily counting up the proceeds you graciously donated to his melanoid ministries. This is how retarded his followers are. I’ve stated this before, but Tariq purposely attracts the most ignorant black people that hang on to his every word because they are so fearful of attempting to think for themselves due to the fact that they don’t want Tariq to label them a coon or a negro bed wench. Their entire (online) existence revolves around doing everything in their power to NOT have to be forced to wear the scarlet letter C or letters NBW on their shirts. If Tariq told these dudes that they need to get down and suck his dick in order to avoid being labeled a coon, 99% of these dumb blind knee grow followers (especially the dudes) would gladly drop to their knees to start sucking….unapologetically all while holding their right hand in the air pumping the black power fist while their left hand is cuffing his balls. That’s how bought in these people are.

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