roommate roulette: back at the tables again


It’s a new season and I’m back to choosing a new roommate. I’ve had so many manifestations of a roommate, I feel like the vacancy of the room creates a regeneration like Dr Who.

In this case, I’m the Doctor. My home is my Tardis and it’s me that’s looking for a new “companion.”

I’m back to my “auditioning routine” of quieting my mind so I can make a wise choice as I listen to prospective roommates’ songs. There are people with “OMG-save-me” energy who walk through my front door but I’m meeting also some very organized people who are looking for a place to live and have their ducks lined up.

I’m terrible with the OMG-save-me people. I struggle to come up with a name of someone that I met in a desperate time of their life and they are still my friend. They may even appear somewhat organized, upbeat and bouncy. But there’s an extra something something that puts up a flag warning that they are vampires in disguise. I made enough mistakes to learn that I need to not look at strangers with teacher eyes. Not everyone cares about their grades. Some just want to skate by, have a lark, and leave.

No Tardis key for you!

I’m getting better at distinguishing between nice and good. God is in the details as well as the devil.

If you can say that your life has a lot of lovely and remarkable people who are your treasure, you’ve done well building your world. I’m sure you protect it like a Tardis and don’t let just anyone in.

Wish me luck.

I wish I had the vision of a time lord.


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