A "maybe" is a NO 🍑

🍑 A "maybe" is a NO. Always.

Ladies, when you learn to communicate with your Yoni, she will also give you the "maybes".
These are NOs as well.

Don't push yourself into something you don't want.
Don't beg anyone into wanting something they don't want.
Especially not into wanting you.

Don't force anyone to eat your fruits.
Don't expect anyone to fill your basket so that you don't starve.


Take your loses, count your blessings.
Move on.
The loses are just blessings masked.
Gifts wrapped in an ugly paper.
Once we remove the casing we can see what the Universe was holding for us.

Work on yourself.

Become the one you would want and expect the one that wants you.

Keep working on yourself.
We are never stagnant.
We are always expanding.

Wait for the full YES in everything.
That's your guide.

~Nika 🍑

You can find my articles on my IG and FB. Feel free to connect with me..gif

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You can find myarticles op my instagram and facebook. Feel free to connect with me..png

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