[Eng-Esp] Retrato de una modelo en bolígrafo.

Portrait of a model in ballpoint pen.

Retrato de una modelo en bolígrafo.

Greetings my dear friends readers and lovers of fine arts, today I bring you a portrait made with pencil, and some color for those who read the whole post ;)

Saludos mis queridos amigos lectores y amantes de las bellas artes, hoy les traigo un retrato realizado con lapicero, y algo de color para los que lean todo el post ;)


When looking for something that you can draw to practice, it is always interesting to add portraits because they help to observe in more detail every little line, since that way you get the result more similar to what you observe and as we know the more similar to the person who is portrayed is his image, the better the portrait itself.

En la búsqueda de algo que pueda dibujar para practicar, siempre es interesante agregar retratos ya que estos ayudan a observar con más detalle cada pequeña línea ya que de esa forma se obtiene el resultado más parecido a lo que se observa y como sabemos entre más parecido a la persona que se retrata es su imagen mejor es el retrato en sí mismo.

That's why I wanted to make a portrait :) but doing it with the comfort of being able to erase I think it doesn't help much (when practicing) since having an eraser at hand forces you to correct too much and in art there are no mistakes, only happy accidents (or something like that Bob Ross said in his show lol ) the thing is that seeing yourself forced to continue despite the error and having to adapt seems to me an interesting way to practice.

Es por ello que quise hacer un retrato :) pero hacerlo con la comodidad de poder borrar creo que no ayuda mucho (al momento de practicar) ya que tener un borrador a la mano te obliga a corregir demasiado y en el arte no existen los errores, solo accidentes felices (o algo así decía Bob Ross en su programa lol ) el caso es que verte obligada a seguir a pesar del error y tener que adaptarte me parece una forma interesante de practicar.

Specifically today I bring a portrait of a beautiful model (you can consult the image of reference here ) and as you know I will leave some of the images with the evolution and as if I can correct I got this nice result ;)

Específicamente hoy traigo un retrato de una hermosa modelo (pueden consultar la imagen de referencia acá ) y como ya saben les dejare algunas de las imágenes con la evolución y como si poder corregir conseguí este lindo resultado ;)










As I mentioned at the beginning, I added some color to the pencil drawing and I hope you like how it turned out :)

Como lo mencione al inicio, le agregue un poco de color al dibujo en lapicero y espero que les guste como ha quedado :)


Thanks for reading to the end, love you @shirahoshi and I look forward to seeing you in an upcoming post.

Gracias por leer hasta el final, los quiere @shirahoshi y los espero en un próximo post.

Logo sin sombra.gif

The photographs are my own and were taken by me with a Redmi 9 and were edited in powerpoint.

The Step by Step Gif was made by me in AdobePhotoshop CC2014.

The logo was designed by me in Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 and its animated version was made in After Effects CC 2017.

Language corrector used Deepl.

Remember that you can purchase these beautiful pieces of art made and tokenized by me at Nftshowroom at an excellent price. Link to the gallery here

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