ALL Transgenderism Is Pedophilia


If you refuse to disavow something and instead defend it and cover up for it then you are part of it

It's not just about the disproportionately high percentage of trannies and drag queenz that commit sex crimes. It's not just about the study is showing that trannies and LGBT are much more likely to commit pedophilia. It's not just about all the videos of them basically twerking half naked for children.

It's about the fact that EVERY SINGLE TRANNY and drag queen stands with the pedophilia and defends it

They don't try to distance themselves from it. They spend their time trying to cover it up instead. Not only does every single tranny and drag queen refuse to distance themselves and disavow it but every single tranny who has any power to do so spends their time trying to censor and cover up the crimes and abuses of other trannies..

As a group they have endorsed and come together to support pedophilia

They have decided as a group that they are defending pedophilia

It's no different than any other group that chooses to do a bad thing. If we see a police department with some crooked cops doing crooked things but instead of kicking those cops out and speaking out against it the department decides to cover up their crimes and spend their time silencing investigators investigating it well what would you say about the department? It's not just those two cops anymore is it? The whole department is corrupt. The whole department is in on it

When we see pedophiles in the church and instead of disavowing it and kicking them out and speaking against it the church instead get engages and cover-ups and tries to silence anybody talking about it then we rightfully point out that that means the church is complicit and every member in that church is complicit

If a politician commits a crime or does something bad and instead of calling him out his party circles the wagons to defend him then the entire party is complicit. The entire party is part of that crime and the entire party r criminals

And biden's pedophile supporters even understand this.. The fact that they claimed that if Trump refused to disevale white supremacists it made him a white supremacist as well proves that they understand this point. He did disavow them. Multiple times. But the point remains. The fact that the trannies and the drag queens not only refused to disavow it but straight up try to promote it and cover up for it and increase the amount of pedophilia..

(But apparently you're only allowed to talk about those three things. Bigotry against Christians bigotry against cops and bigotry against Republicans is just fine)

The fact that we haven't seen ANY trannies or drag queens distancing themselves disavowing and speaking out against the pedophilia and instead every single tranny and drag queenwho has even a modicum of power on social media or elsewhere spends their time trying to defend it and cover it up.. well that means they won't cross the thin rainbow line and they are all in on it. If you see a crime like pedophilia and instead of criticizing it you defend it that makes you a pedophile too. You were an accessory

And if every member of your group is defending it then every member of your group is part of it

and this is how i can safely say that every tranny is a pedophile. every drag queen is a pedophile. even if they haven't personally committed pedophilia (yet) the fact that they support it and defend it from others in their group and spend their time trying to help cover it up so that it could continue happening.. it's proof that every one of them is a pedophile and a predator and more of us need to call it out

This isn't about party politics that they have tried to make it. This is about protecting children and doing what's right. There are horrific crimes being committed and ANYBODY trying to stop us from opposing those crimes is an accessory to those crimes

I'm looking forward to the next Republican president (hopefully not Trump) weaponizing the DOJ and FBI and having them go after every single person in the country that has defended this pedophilia for so long. We need to protect people

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