Fund My Taco Craving With Steem (Please)

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You have a $25,000 taco and @goldmatters to blame for this post.

It all started about 30 minutes ago.

@goldmatters decided it was important to send me a video of an edible gold taco that costs $25,000 to eat:

Only 20 minutes into discussing golden tacos and golden ice cream did we realize that we've already had this conversation before.

Thankfully, it doesn't even matter because we're so forgetful that we can probably talk about this again 3 months from now and it'll be like it never happened!

That's the benefit of having memory issues!

You never get bored, and there's always something to talk about (even if it's golden tacos...again).


...this turned into @goldmatters PEER pressuring me to order tacos on a Thai food app called "FoodPanda."

It's like Door Dash, but for Asians.

And mostly white people like me that used to be Asian.

I didn't want to do it.

I said, "@goldmatters...can you peer pressure me in a couple of months when I can get Mexican food for $2-3? Mexican food here is at least $5 and I just can't justify spending that."

Haha... I'm obviously not the target market for a 25k taco 😂.

The problem is, after talking about tacos, nachos, and frozen enchiladas that are no longer with us ...

...I just can't resist $5 Mexican anymore.

I'm officially caving.

And I'm writing this post seeking help.

I figured...

If unwanted brussel sprouts can get sold on ebay, then I can fund a taco craving with steem!

I WILL order Mexican from FoodPanda and document it if I get enough upvotes on this post to fund my $5 mexican craving.

Help me prove to the world that steem has another real-use case!

Steem can save the world from overpriced taco upvote at a time.

This post is created solely for the purpose of funding a taco craving with steem and in honor of @goldmatters.

Can't wait to see what happens.

30 minutes from now...

Will it be an epic fail?!

Will I get the Mexican food that I so deeply desire?!

Will Maria find out that Juan is cheating on her with Isabela?!?

Stay tuned to find out....

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