For Freedom!

Deep in the caverns of Sewing Desk Mountain, located in the forboding land of Living Room, the evil Monkeywrench meets with the terrible Blacktrons in order to destroy a forward G.I. Joe base - Fort Cabinet!! Never to be underestimated, a heroic group sent by Duke is tasked to infiltrate and rout the forces of COBRA. GO JOE!

I have very fond memories of defeating the likes of COBRA with the help of Shipwreck, Spirit, and Dial-tone. I have often called back on those memories throughout my years of roleplaying, especially when I ran a West End Games' SpecForce campaign for their Star Wars product line.

That's why I was very happy when this happened....

Now, for full disclosure, I have not yet backed it, as I spent my spending money on investing in Steem Power (I know, I know. A lot of you think its a bad move, but I wanted some options to work with later, and Steem is pretty low right now. Sorta. Whatever. We'll see how it plays out).

Where was I? Ah yes. Backing Evil Beagle's nod to G. I. Joe. I will be doing that, most likely within the next week, but the nice thing is - it's already funded, and has what looks like nice stretch goals. Plus Evil Beagle does solid Savage Worlds work. What they did for Palladium Books' RIFTS was, simply put, amazing. 

The mechanics are solid looking as usual. For example, they have created a neat subsystem called Plans & Operations that puts more plot-enhancing directive control in the players' hands (meaning less GM prep). I cannot wait to give that a spin. Plus they brought back Vocational Frameworks (something they introduced in Savage RIFTS) - that seems like a good fit here too. Lastly, the artwork. I'm loving it. 

So yeah - they are going to get my money. If you play Savage Worlds and have your own fond memories of fighting COBRA, maybe you should give them your money too!


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