Segira: It's kinda here?

So I'm not done with Segira yet. Shocker!

I finally finished the Man in the High Castle, so we should see it get done pretty quick tomorrow.

There's still a lot of things left to do, but I think we've got most of the things from yesterday's list done.

Do a character creation example
Do sample characters
Finish the adventure
New front fiction?

Character creation example, check. Sample characters, not fully check, but I've got two. I'm willing to "ship" with five, and I've got most of those done. Adventure is the big thing for tomorrow. I'm going to ship without maps. Front fiction is unfinished, though I evidently thought it was finished because I just left off half-way through.

Proofreading needs work.

Here's the new list of things that need to get done:

  • Sample characters
  • Adventure and GM section
  • Do the vehicles I forgot
  • Proofread
  • Import to Scribus

I'm really kind of anxious about the Scribus thing, but I'm hoping to get everything else on this list done early tomorrow morning. There will likely be big glaring things I've missed, like a combat example, but I'm feeling good about everything else.

However, I wanted to give proof of life and get a second set of eyes on some things, so I'm releasing the alpha. Unless I've overlooked something important, it's playable, and the download link is right under the sample images below.

Segira Hammercalled_1.jpg
Cover, this is familiar

Segira Hammercalled_2.jpg
Table of Contents

Segira Hammercalled_3.jpg
This is not what the final book will look like.

Segira Hammercalled_4.jpg
And the character creation example's character sheet.

Here's the super-crappy alpha!

Looking back on this, there are a lot of things about Segira I'd change or work on if I had infinite time, but I'm going to just not get them done.

First, I'd do it a year and a half ago like I was originally planning to.

But we can't change the past, now, can we?

The setting is really sparse and thin, and I'll be honest that Segira's stretched out so long that I really don't remember all of it that well. Just ask me who any of the NPCs are right now and I'll look at you like I'm a deer about to get spread all over the highway like room-temperature butter courtesy of a semi-truck.

Like, I think that the setting is literally 4 pages. I'm looking at the TOC now. There's some stuff I need to sort out and add in, but it's not much beyond that. I've written it three times. Three times. Never been super happy with it.

This has been a good lesson in adaptation. The cutting and prodding and nip-and-tuck job done on Hammercalled to make it fit Segira is really kinda fun as a growth experiment, and I'm sure that there is more streamlining I could do. Adding a couple unique mechanics, like the Faction and Background and Downtime systems, has made for a unique feel without requiring me to change a whole lot under the hood. There are some potential minor issues with that.

The other anxiety-inducing part is the fact that there are a lot of parts from Hammercalled that have been only lightly tested coughvehiclescough and they may totally fall apart under the new system, especially considering the fact that it's like 70% of those systems and I'm really hoping I didn't take out anything pivotal.

I'm hoping to have the whole thing done and ready for "beta" release on Saturday, so we'll see how that goes. I'm going to bed. So tired.

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