Another (very short) delay

Currently I estimate that Segira is about three hours away from being finished. If it finishes tonight, I'll make a new post, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to be posting it tomorrow morning, so we'll get a bonus quick update when that happens.

I made some pretty major tweaks to a lot of the rules, especially the GM section (actually, the GM section counts as more than a tweak), and the game's probably gained 2-3k words today. Getting Acts 2 and 3 in will add another few hundred; they're more sparse than Act 1 in some ways, and I've already got all the threats in so there's not more mechanical stuff to do. I caught major issues in the Gear section and resolved them. I hope that there aren't any other errors that I overlooked.

Right now I'm just finishing up Acts 2 and 3, doing a quick final proof and getting the character sheets done. That should take about an hour or so.

The part that scares me is transferring the game into Scribus.

This involves a couple things: First, I need to go through and put all the sidebars and interior art where they're supposed to go, and I don't have placements for the interior art yet because that'll depend on how it all falls together. Assuming that the .odt import doesn't fail me now (it never has before), that could take between fifteen minutes and a hour.

Second, I need to then go in and make a fresh table of contents for everything. This has to be done by hand (AFAIK) because Scribus doesn't support a LibreOffice style TOC system.

Then it's PDF adding bookmarks (takes about two minutes), example character sheets, and the blank character sheets to the PDF, and doing the final exports and uploads to DriveThruRPG.

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