Another Delay (but a short one, I promise!)

So, a quick mea culpa: I'm not going to get Segira done tonight. It's just not feasible, and while I could ship it it will be pretty seriously deficient.

I'm missing up-to-date character sheets, it's still in LibreOffice with nary a foreshadowing of porting it to Scribus (and not porting it to Scribus is not an option due to the way I want to do sidebars and insert the illustrations), and Act 2 and 3 of the adventure aren't in the document yet. I realized that I hadn't added any sort of maneuvering in combat since I got the new Situations setup in, and I'm not exactly sure where to put the Situations/Threats setup.

Most of this stuff is just a consequence of procrastination. When I decided to do Waystation Deimos I put off some things that I told myself I'd do in a burst of inspiration, and frankly I procrastinated (though I will have an article on Project Stream over on my personal blog soon as a result; I could blame Google for my poor time-management but I need to take responsibility for this one).

Core Rulebook Progress

However, here's an overview of the main progress so far:

The setting section is now fleshed out enough that I think it provides good hooks for GMs and players, but it needs a final proofread since it's the product of like a literal year and a half of tinkering and I'm sure there are contradictory elements.

Example of play and basic rules are in, need final proofing. Sidebars are in (need to be placed in Scribus once we port over).
The Adrenalin system got a last minute overhaul and is now a lot more fluid. Many things about the system that didn't work well now work well, and more Adrenalin flow occurs (e.g. you spend more points more often, but if you have ways to regain them other than resting they're also more generous). There are issues with how the rules are spread out, however.

I think the character section is all done right. I'm going to be revisiting the example characters to confirm this, so we'll see.

Gear should be good. Double-checking everything is in order, and maybe some final balance tweaks, but nothing major. Thinking about having a more robust melee weapon system, which has various pros and cons.

Vehicles also behave a little more sensibly, though I'm not entirely sold on them. Might have some heavy last-minute tweaking to get them feeling good in the new combat system in terms of maneuvering.

Combat should mostly work under the new system. It's changed a lot and I'm going to go through it with a fine-toothed comb. I remember that the old Hammercalled system was being played wrong in my playtesting group for like a month before I noticed we'd deviated from the rules as written.

Just going to do a quick pass over downtime, maybe make it a little more interesting now. I don't think I actually updated it since the last time I wrote about it, and I don't remember if that reflects the current practice or not. Not too much should have changed, but I think I might have had some good ideas. Then again, I am known for having both good ideas and mediocre ideas, so we'll see.

GM section needs heavy revision. I've been putting it off until after the adventure. It needs to be updated with Situations and Threats in mind (I think this is already done in theory, but not in full practice) and some examples of each.

Finally, the adventure needs to be finished.

Acts 2 and 3 are outlined, though 3's still really fuzzy. 2 just needs to get threats and a little more fleshing out and it's in the book. 3 won't get any game mechanics, since it's just narrative unfolding, but I need to have it work well. It'll basically just be a handful of "If X, then Y" and hooks for going forward.

I also haven't converted Act 1 over to using Situations and Threats, because I'm apparently the most forgetful person on the face of the earth, though I have started to work on the Danger mechanic going through it.

We're On the Map!

Hey, at least we have a map of Segira now. I added a few little places scattered about to give it a little more life.


To tide people over until tomorrow, here's everything that's solid enough to put in the main rules text so far:

December 24 WIP Segira PDF

What's Left

Tomorrow I'll try to get the text contents done. Situations and threats, and particularly how the GM can deal with them, are the biggest part here other than fleshing out Act 2 and making an Act 3 that I won't have immediate regret about.

Release Date

I won't do a Christmas release, both because I've got some family stuff to do tomorrow that will probably keep me from finishing everything and I just don't think it's a good day to release a game, but I'll try to get it out on the 26th. That'll give me some overflow time to sort out any issues with the other stuff.

I don't think I'll have all the sample characters done, but I'm going to get at least the three Segirans from the Example of Play done, then I might release a character pack with a few more characters to add another DriveThruRPG product listing and spur more attention.

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