[RPG] Actual Fucking Monsters now available for your reading pleasure!

In this game, you will play Monsters.

I should clarify that a little.

You will play Actual Fucking Monsters.

You will play genuine, actual, horrendous Monsters. The kinds that murder indiscriminately, eat babies and who are utterly fucking irredeemable due to their hideous nature and unnatural hungers.

Absolute cunts."

-- From the introduction to Actual Fucking Monsters, an RPG (https://postmortemstudios.wordpress.com/2019/05/17/rpg-actual-fucking-monsters-released/)

Actual Fucking Monsters

One which you probably ought to pick up, given that it's like $7 USD. If only because it's about playing actual horrible, nasty fucking monsters. Because if you're not allowed to play at being bad, how will you ever learn how terrible and necessary good is?

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